Author Topic: Eden  (Read 3865 times)

Offline Sethsof

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« on: July 01, 2005, 10:24:27 PM »
ok I am replaying the eden campain and I am stuk on mission 7 or 8

I have 3 out of the 4 wrakage that you need to complet the mission but cant find the 4 th pice

can any of you help ???
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Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2005, 07:46:14 PM »
Alright.   Depends mainly on the difficulty!
Here is the possible locations, per difficulty level:
This is directly out of the manual by the way (The Eden Campaign strategy, found on the Disk.)


Easy Level

Mission Objectives

You must pick up four pieces of wreckage from the Conestoga. The pieces are located at 124,68, 115,11, 78,55, and 104,99.  Once acquired, they must be returned to the convoy’s starting location.

Tips from the Test Labs

While this mission looks a lot like mission six, the best strategy for this one is to systematically hunt down and kill the Plymouth units, Guard Towers, and anything else you run across before you start picking up the wreckage.  Use your four Tiger tanks as the spearhead of your attack.  After eliminating all of the Plymouth defenders, separate your units into 2 groups, and assign each group 2 pieces of wreckage.  Try to pick up the last two pieces at the same time.  This will cause more Plymouth units to come out to attack you, and it is best if they are not looking for stragglers they can easily pick off.  Use your all your remaining combat units to crush Plymouth's reinforcements before they approach your Cargo Trucks.


There is no research available in this Unit Mission.

Normal Level

Mission Objectives

You must pick up four pieces of wreckage from the Conestoga. Once acquired, they must be returned to the convoy’s starting location.

Each piece is randomly placed in one of several possible locations.

-----------------Possible Locations-------------------------
Piece 1| 22,104 | 23,111 | 28,79 | 31,38 | 28,37
Piece 2| 115,20 | 112,16 | 114,9 | 106,9 | 89,7
Piece 3| 86,121 | 85,110 | 86,99 | 80,79 | 78,55 | 94,73 | 96,59 | 113,37 | 125,22 | 104,99 | 59,84 | 60,65 | 71,47
Piece 4| 115,62 | 124,68 | 127,92 | 119,86 | 122,53

Tips from the Test Labs

Wait until you have discovered all four pieces before picking them up.  Then get them almost all at the same time.
You can go in from either the northeast or the southwest.  The northeast is a little easier at first but a volcanic eruption will eventually cut off your path.  You will also be very close to Eden’s reinforcements, which enter from the east.  Going in through the southwest gives you several Factories and Guard Posts to destroy, as well as several vehicles waiting for you but has no danger from the lava.
If you completed EMP research in Mission Eight, use your EMP units to disable the ESG Guard Posts, then pummel them with Rail Guns.  If an ESG shoots you stop moving immediately and return fire.  If you continue moving through the mines, you will get hit by each one you drive across.  If you sit still you can return fire and only get hit by one at a time, and the ESG has a long reload rate.
Once you pick up all the pieces an angry convoy will come in to attack your Cargo Trucks but you will also get reinforcements at the starting location.  Be ready for the counter attack.


There is no research available in this Unit Mission.

Hard Level

Mission Objectives

You must pick up four pieces of wreckage from the Conestoga. Once acquired, they must be returned to the convoy’s starting location.

Each piece is randomly placed in one of several possible locations.

-----------------Possible Locations-------------------------
Piece 1| 22,104 | 23,111 | 28,79 | 31,38 | 28,37
Piece 2| 115,20 | 112,16 | 114,9 | 106,9 | 89,7
Piece 3| 86,121 | 85,110 | 86,99 | 80,79 | 78,55 | 94,73 | 96,59 | 113,37 | 125,22 | 104,99 | 59,84 | 60,65 | 71,47
Piece 4| 115,62 | 124,68 | 127,92 | 119,86 | 122,53

Tips from the Test Labs

The tactics here are the same as for the Normal level, however, this mission is now at night and the enemy has quite a few more units.  They will also have a larger reinforcement wave and when you pick up the last piece they will have a much larger assault wave on your Cargo Trucks.  Beware of the lava flow and any storms in the area.
When fighting against EMP units spread your units out with the Scatter command to avoid having multiple units disabled with one hit.  When fighting the RPG units keep your units together for the maximum firepower.  


There is no research available in this Unit Mission.


*Note: each number is a seperate possible location.   There is only one piece, but multiple spots it can be in.
**Note: Its also mission 9!
***Note: Next time, provide enough information so we can help you.   The strategy changes per difficulty level, as things are done differently, and what you start with isn't the same.   Also, exact mission number helps too
« Last Edit: July 02, 2005, 08:06:05 PM by Baikon »
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Offline Sethsof

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« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2005, 08:51:48 PM »
thanx for the help
" and this my friends, is what they call sweet"
- Murtan Feygor, Tanith First-and-Only.

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2005, 01:08:15 PM »
Will someone please put the OP2 documentation on the wiki, the above is all in it..
« Last Edit: July 03, 2005, 01:08:33 PM by Eddy-B »
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
Rule #2: If you think he's wrong, see rule #1

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Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2005, 01:31:31 PM »
i agree!

all the docs off the cd need to b on it.