I've waited long enough.
Here comes the text in English. B)
The design was familiar to her, a standard cap for a drill hole created by one of the robo-moles used in mining operations. Notches automatically engraved in the top cap by the drilling machine provided information about the depth of the hole, type of drilling, and other data. A glance at it told her that this was a very deep shaft, several kilometers, and nearly straight down, not at all the kind of hole one would use for mining.
She sat down next to the cap to wait for Wu's return. She ran her gloved hand over the cap and the ring of slots around the top designed to vent any underground gasses that might be generated. As she did, she saw dust dancing along the surface of the nearby rock face. Not believing her eyes, she grabbed a fistful of dust from the bottom of the cleft and held it near the slots. Slowly, layer by layer, it was blown away by the outflow of gas. She didn't have a way to test it, but she was certain that testing would reveal oxygen and water vapor, somehow being generated deep in the rocks, possibly by bacterial action.
This was the evidence she'd been looking for, this was hard proof of Eden's actions, evidence she could present without creating suspicion.
"Emma, you're all right?" she glanced up to see the surveyor roll around the end of the huge rock.
"I'm fine, Wu. Get the cameras and the sampling gear. We have work to do before we head home."
I pretty much used the same method I used in the previous challenge (shortest word first and apostrophe). In this CODE for example, the shortest words ( 1 character) was: 'S' and 'D'. Since 'S' was with written with 'Q' as in " S'Q ," I deduced that it could only be " I'm " and 'D' could only be 'a'. So at first glance, I had gotten 3 words.

I didn't have enough information for the other two "one-character words" 'Y' and 'J' ,though I knew those could only be "s" or "d" given that they came right after the apostrophe.
Words with two letters now: "JV" "DJ" "AO" "ST" ect... I know 'D'='a' so "AO" seemingly is equal to "at" or "an" ; I also know that 'S'= 'I' so "ST" = "IF" or "IS" , but "IF" is more likely to work.
However, the most interesting thing is with "JV" and "DJ". One letter is repeated twice : 'J' ... let's think a little... this looks like "TO" and "AT". BINGO! I have 4 more words.
I gave this information to get more people into taking up those crypto challenges. They are FUN!! just give it a shot.