Joe you will be using it if your playing in a game with someone who cant play on the internet, they couldnt play before, and now they can

What makes you think modem users cant use it

It is the solution for thos who cant play on the internet (via port fowrding etc), becuse with this, they can.
People not on a NT-based comp cant use it, so they have to play over the internet.
Personaly I think for 2k and XP users it should become standard, because noobs who join can just install this and there ready to play with us, no rotuer setup, and not every one can play over the internet, even with rotuer setup etc. The amount of times we have gone thru the router setup on IRC is stupid, we have gone thru it with people so many times. The most anoying part is if they try, and still cant play. This is very simple to setup, making our lives easyer.
Games can be played on the net and over virtual network. I think only when games have to be played using Hamachi, they should, other wise no need. So if game has someone who can only use Hamachi then people should have it installed ready to use to game.
Im so pleased we have it