As more and more people are egar to help out and learn to code we need to use every1s skills to work to some goals, to produce stuff people would want.
- Multiplayer Maps - The easist to make, anyone can do it. I wanna make some new fair maps, like Nostalgia.
- Pure fighting maps - No SF, Unlimted ore etc, xamlit is allready doing on of these.
- Battle maps - Like in Red Alert you could chose to have no base and just a load of units. Set up armys for each player on some good maps. Team battles, different tech level battles, different size armys etc.
- Colony Games - Only people who can code AI can do these, if we get more people able to code AI then people can work together to create these games. Haxtor is allready working on one

There are many ideas which can be done here.
- Co-op Colony Games - I say Colony because its vs a AI. Again needs people who can do AI, but basic stuff like placing player bases, mines, units and a large AI base or whatevea (howevea the map is) can be done by anyone. This is a map which has been wanted for a long time. Once we made a 2 players vs AI map, the code could be added to to make it 3 players vs a stronger AI and so on.
- Co-op And Mission Multiplayer Games - Like players vs AI but this time player(s) vs player(s). The bases are setup, eg one person might have a realy big base and other players have to attack it. Like some of the single player missions but instead of playing a AI a person(s) controls the main base etc. Attack and defend misions. Im sure there are many types of missions which could be setup ready to play.
- Ready to go Games - Your bases are already built, your teched up, you can just start battleing right away.
- Use Map Settings - UMS Is a type of map in StarCraft, it is custom maps which have trigers and all sorts of types of games for people who dont wanna play a normal game. Exapmle is mass attack games, units get auto produced and you attack each other untll you kill there base.
Any other ideas?
We wanna add even more variaty to the game and make it more attractive to people, and more acesable to people, and possible for noobs to be able to play right away, it takes noobs time to be able to play in normal games.