lol im not a botanist either but i know food very well

i have a test too.... or four... hope i didnt delete them...
oh yea here is one: (lol i just have to translate it... done!)
First of all u have to forward this test if u want it to have effect.
Get a paper and a pen. Write down the numbers 1-10 below each other.
Do not read the next question before u answer the previous.
Only write down one thing for each question.
1. What is your favorite color?
a) any Red
b ) any Orange (this means brown too)
c) any Yellow
d) any Green
e) any Blue
f) any Purple (or Pink, Magenta)
2. What is your favorite animal?
a) cat
b ) dog
c) fish
d) snake
e) parrot
f) mouse
3. Where do you want to go on vacation?
a) Hawaii
b ) New York
c) East Africa
d) Spain
e) Montana
4. Which musical instrument do you like the best?
a) Violin
b ) Piano
c) Guitar
d) Drums
5. Which drink do you like the best?
a) Juice
b ) Sprite
c) Coca-Cola
d) Pepsi
e) Mineral Water
6. Write down the name of a person of the opposite sex.
7. Write down the name of a person of the same sex.
8. Write down the current time.
9. Write down how old are you.
10. You dont have to write it but wish something.
If you have chosen <letter> at question <number>, then u are <something>.
a) a person who likes adventures
b ) always (well almost

) happy
c) cute
d) smart
e) romantic
f) mysterious
a) womanlike
b ) liking, kind
c) boooooring
d) manlike
e) nervous
f) clever, sly
a) romantic
b ) successful
c) curious
d) mysterious
e) a person who likes nature
a) intelligent
b ) popular
c) smart
d) wild
a) popular
b ) smart
c) wild
d) always happy
e) sporting
6. This person will love you after u send this test to enough ppl.
7. This person will quarrel u if u dont send this test to enough ppl.
8. You have this many time to send test to enough ppl.
9. U have to send this test to this many ppl.
10. Ur wish will come true (if it is possible

) if u send this test to enough ppl.