Supply game! A new game type where 1 player plays in a 1v1 as supporter to both sides!
Untrue. Any can play but game *should* have a supplier player or 2...
Rule 8. is a bit agressive but its ok.
9. If the supplier is destroyed or reported because of breaking rules 3 times, the player has no longer the right to be supplier.
Ein: hey i and Baikon made the most of them 
ok let me give some explenations for not liking some of those reasons, and ill give some solutions.
ok let me knock out 2 birds with one stone
Baikon: delete Rule 6. (only 5 emergency requests)
Don't request unfulfillable things (15 Tiger ESGs in 10 marks...) and attacks (attack Red or EMP Missile, etc.). Breaking this rule will count against the requesting player.
first of all if you delete rule 6 then the game will be come very unstable, and unfair. and will allow for side choosing (sence he has the ability to deny requests)
i will allow up to 10 (MABY) 15 emergency requests which should be ample. and/or the host of the game/match can choose the amount. Weather it be infinate, or limited.
i propose a vote on this later on in irc between me, Baikon, and Playing Outpost later on upon this matter. sence it concerns game stability and balance.
Second: ill knock out 2 birds with one stone again
Rule 8. is a bit agressive but its ok.
9. If the supplier is destroyed or reported because of breaking rules 3 times, the player has no longer the right to be supplier.
i put this here beacuse the Supplier could go rouge and attack every one in one shot that is y i feel that it sould be open to target on
one violation. and as well he will loose the privilige perminitly to be a supplier.
The supplyer will have a limited defence force WHICH MUST REMAIN INSIDE HIS BASE AT ALL TIMES that he can use to defend agents a unprovoked attack.
20 lynix
10 panthers
10 tigers
this will be ample defence agents a random attack from a awol player or something lol
The supplyer has 2 chances, if he beas the rules the 2nd time then he is opne to attack
1st a warning 2nd an attack
it the supplyer attacks another player unprovoked (ie the player didnt attack teh supplier first) then the suppier is to be destroyed and banned
(i like to be strict on rules for one reason fairness)