just simpley, if the planet knux chooses has a unstable magnetic field, than the MHD genarator would work, if it dosnt have one, than it wouldnt work and thus you could not build it
btw, I have been thinking, I think the MHD genarator and the Geoplant clash with there respective coloney mind sets
the MHD genarator seems like it should belong to eden since it has to do with hightech buckey tubes and magnatisism and plasma
the geo plant should go to plymouth because it goes with their live off the land approach, plus with the geocon being eden, it makes it so only eden can use the magma vents and the fumeroles, the only reasorces on the map other than mining becons
so I think plymouth should have gotten the geocon, it would go better with the mind set and it would balance out better, eden could use the magma wells, and plymouth could use the geo plants
I dont know if people would like that for op3 but it was just a thought