New Longterm Plan:
Instead of setting up a list of weekly tasks to do, I am trying now with having 5 major tasks to be completed in a month. This way, if the tasks are much harder than I'm assuming, I won't feel bad if I don't complete them in a week. However, some tasks may take less than a week, and so it would be great to get them done. I'm planning, whether it is realistic or not, to have the first Beta in early January 2019. So, I have a series of complex tasks that need to be complete to feel that the game is ready for Beta status.
Month of December, Tasks:
1. Map Generation
2. Portals
3. Technique Overhaul
4. Expert Tutorial and Help Directory
5. Major Bughunt (bugs, typos, lacking logic)
November Tasks, Still to Do (Will work on these as I have time and creative energy, but most likely will be postponed to January):
1) Lore Entries = Find special objects in the game world or complete certain tasks, to unlock lore entries.
2) Incentives to Delve Deeply = Provide a myriad of benefits to delving deeper and to keep encouraging the player to only stay on levels for a short time.
3) Create further ways to help players learn the game further.
4) Better overall endings that are not simply more time-consuming Objectives.
5) Primal Chaos Abilities = Unique abilities to make each Primal Chaos creature feel unique and dangerous.
6) AI Improvements and Pathfinding Overhaul = Make it so that enemies can pathfind intelligently towards the player without causing huge framerate drops, and know when it is a good time to use a Primal Chaos Ability.
7) Legendary Runes = Powerful effect granted either by a Milestone or an Artifact.

Artifact Lore = Unique lore for each of them
9) Milestones = A special series of important game events with significant rewards; completed over several playthroughs.
10) End-Story for Victory Conditions = Get a unique story for each victory condition, and the option to try for a new victory condition if you so desire.
11) Player Choice Impacts on Story = How does player choice affect the end-story results. Also, most roguelikes have a statistics breakdown and a "score" of how well that character did!
December Tasks:
1) Map Generation:
A) Create recognizable clumps or structures to add to overall look and feel of maps.
B) Retain levels until a player leaves the level (recall, ascend or descend) but not entering a side-level (ie a Portal).
C) Lay the framework for side-levels.
D) Add a greater variety of walls and floors.
2) Portals:
A) Enter Horde/Primal Chaos Portals
B) Close Portals
C) Special Portals
3) Technique Overhaul:
A) New Status Effects
B) Refactor Technique Code
C) New Unique Effects
D) Technique Information in Technique Menus
4) Expert Tutorial and Help Directory:
A) Create the Expert Tutorial
B) Finish up Help Directory Topics
C) Information Popups (ie Hover over an Item)
5) Bug Hunt and Catch Up Time:
A) Try to finalize stuff so that I can have a Beta out in January. May not happen. Probably won't, but we shall see!