The code is written with 4 spaces, and is consistent throughout. Anytime I accidentally place a tab, it causes a syntax error.
There may be tabs in the blank white spaces or tabs in the #comments, but that isn't intentional on my part; they are added in by Notepad++. For the redesign, I intend to go for tabs, as I prefer tabs.
Well, for me, the code is perfectly readable, for me, as it currently stands. And as I'm the only one adding / modifying the prototyped code, as long as I can read it, it should be fine. I do want to have a more consistent and pleasant reading when I redesign the code, as I'll want the code to be moddable or even just easy for me to add things to the code. I am however, aware that some of my duct-tape code is starting to cause the prototype code to look like spaggetti code, and that is regrettable. Unfortunately, due to the way the tutorial made the roguelike code, everything is coupled with eachother and often information needs to be explicitly placed more than once in some places to make it work properly. Not an ideal solution, but it doesn't really matter at the moment as its just throwaway code.
I do intend to go with a consistent style, but my style isn't how the tutorial code was made, and thus I have to work with what I got for the time being, thus in several places it will have conflicting styles in the current codebase. I intend to have a consistent naming scheme (ie for functions, variables, classes, etc), comment methodology, and code structure philosophy in the redesigned code.