*First things first; i need a huge favor from one of you expericanced programmers.. 2nd please skip anything thats not in red if you dont have much time for chatter...
so uhhh i have this file below, i hope i did this right; my source code should be in there... this is far from completed... i just need to fix these errors, i know that moving sections of my code will help... but i don't know the specifics of where to place them... i think i placed my unitplacementcode in the wrong area...
i may not be experianced... but i think this this should be a peace of cake to fix for you programmers out there.
either rewrite it or list specific instructions*
*(step by step please and dont assume i know the controls yet... im still going through sirbomber's tutorial..)**
my objective this week is to create a testgame with the following:
1 player (human)
gametype: colonygame
mapname: outcasters (created by yours truly)
Moral:forced 75 good steady
day/night shifting: enabled
numberbeacons: 2
beacon types: common 3 bars
starting area: south east corner (yellow human player 0)
able to run in colonygames: yes
able to run in multiplayer: no
fail conditions: none
victory conditions: none*
Now for my overall objective (though this is planning ahead and am not focussing on this untill awile):
gametype: colonygame+ landrush enabled
mapname: outcasters
colonygamename: Renegades Starship
Disasters:all except volcanoe
Moral: 75 good steady (until command center is built)

(notice thats undecided)
starting areas: south west(yellowhumanplayer), southwest (magneta eden ai), northeast and west: eden ai blue, and plymouth ai red.
Teams: yellow+magneta vs red vs blue (three teams)
have well built ai: yes
have two ai fighting eachother: yes
have third ai (magneta) on human player's side: yes
have to scan labs and ect for tech: yes
have to rescue scientist: yes
blight: no
have renegades music: no
will be available: on outpost2 (latest version)
recover wreckage: yes
obtain reinforcements: yes
both ai attack: on hard yes
victory condition: build starship
failure condition: magneta light tower destroyed
magneta light tower stats: 5000 hp heavy armor
magneta defenses: one thors guard post with 1000 hp and 200 attack
magneta other buildings: solar array (safe in distance with no way to get in litterally inpassable)
magneta get reinforcements: yes
*now please help me get the first part done...(marked in yellow)*
i will edit this message alot, note that items marked between an * might be deleted due to sudden changes/updates