So..., Outpost 2 Novellas book club anyone?

I know some people here really liked the stories. Not too sure how many people have actually read them all through though.
At the very least, people could pick out what they find to be relevant details of the novellas and form a list of possible canon. People who try writing thier own stories might find some of that useful.
Btw, how many people aren't even really sure how to get access to the novellas?
As for starting, I'll just mention that I liked this little detail:
"He stepped from his shelter, and actually felt the wind tugging at him. At this pressure, that meant the wind had to be moving at 120 kilometers per hour or better." (Eden, Ch. 9: Investigation)
It kind of goes well with:
"He was considering what she said, which is why he happened to be looking out the window as the fireball erupted. The sound came a fraction of a second later, mostly as a rumble in the floor, the air too thin to conduct much noise." (Eden, Ch. 1: Conspiracy)