One reason why rules are meant to be broken, is that when you are raising children, they NEED disipline (boundaries, aka rules) so that they don't go overboard. Give them rail guards so that they don't fall off the ledge..... etc
The same thing here, we don't want to look like an anarchy or anything; nor a place where the grip on the community is so tight, people are leaving. I think that we have the right balance of this, although general rules (Example: common sense, etc) need to be put up where they can be seen. I sorta agree with you panda, in #blender, the OPS actually help answer your questions, and it doesn't seem quite like they are watching over your shoulder like your mom when you are a kid "Don't touch that, it may be hot. Don't do this.. Don't do that..." etc. (Not that that is bad, it just can come across to new members that the grip on the community is too tight.).
DM-Horus, no offence, we ALL need to lighten up a bit. I mean, I've overreacted a lot before :lol: .
So, don't take this offensively, I'm purely stating my thoughts.