I, and my highly respectable, but never recieving such respect, opinion, agree that Horus has the right damn idea.
That doesn't mean his application is ingenious though. I'm utterly appaled by the actions of some Ops in some situations. However they were chosen for their jobs, and I supposedly should have respect for them, and what they do.
That is sickening. Of course most of the time, these same people are incredibly decent, and almost likable. I've never had a problem personally with anyone in this community. I'm fortunate enough to be either a likable person, or just so intolerable that you guys just live with it.
Back to the matter at hand.
Rules are grand ideas. But the famous dead guy quote that goes here is, "Rules were meant to be broken" and that's the damn truth. We expect the eventuality, and hence create the rules. Common sense is a great idea, but doesn't work, because most of you don't have it. You can pretend pretty damn well though.
History shows us that absolute power corrupts absolutely. I'm unconcerned with the well being of the leaders of this community, so my focus is the individuals being run. If you split power enough ways, then nobody really has power. And that's the way to be. OP'ing everyone in our channel is a s*** idea on paper, but when you implement it, it'll work fine.
Don't take this to extremes and truly OP everyone, my position is, that if someone thinks they can do a decent job as OP or Moderator, and they've shown significant intelligence (in this case, an IQ above 40) then let them do it for god's sake. Someone can surely watch and make sure they don't ban the channel- be my guest. But regular people, like Sirbomber, myself, Stormy, Eddy (damn, especially eddy), and MANY others. We're almost always in the channel, and we're actively speaking. That looks damn good to prospective members too, if they see the channel operators taking part in discussions, just being normal people, god knows that'd not only raise morale and help making decisions easier, but... oh, those were my only two points...
I don't think most people remember this far back, but I remember when ZZJ and Freeza were crowned. I mean OP'ed. That- for me, meant something serious. Normal people, in charge. ZZJ was a TRULY active member of the society, and Freeza runs his mouth whenever he has time. And that's nice, whatever, but OPs don't stay active. ZZJ dropped out of the spectrum, and now rarely shows up at nighttime for me (another issue for me to address the next time I hit enter) or if you call his name.
I'm hitting enter.
We're all in different timezones. s***, Levi's in Europe. ZZJ's in Texas, Freeza used to be in Alaska, moved to North or South Dakota if I'm not a terribly mistaken moron, and Hacker's always in school. Mez, I don't think anyone knows where Mez is from (just kidding man). My point being that when I show up at 5:30 EST, Lev should be asleep. Or if I log on at 8:12 EST, ZZJ and Freeza should be sleeping. More OPs means more coverage, which leads to fewer incidents. We need people to switch out shifts, instead of relying upon this one, however decent, force to patrol our channels.
I'd like to comment on hacker, someone I very much like as a person- but your recent comment about locking this thread took me overboard. That is completely unnecessary. You, and a moderator like you, constantly lock topics that have even the slightest chance of offending someone's uncle's mother's brother. It's friendly debate around here, except when people get out of hand- which rarely happens. Just roll with it. Take some advice from someone that sorts out much more chaos than you do in a day. People are going to argue, why not let them get out their feelings, and get it over with.
Lordly_dragon, your views are restatements of people before you, with just a tad bit more insanity. I can't recall just now exactly what you said, but I'm sure it made me think enough to make me remember to write about this. That is all.
Oh, I've got a grammar issue to dissolve with you people, on another day perhaps, and before another audience.
My few thousand cents.
Mr. Merchant
Merchant Enterprises
Merchant Electric
Law Offices of Merchant and Merchant (coming soon)
EDIT: Had to add my final clause
[size=8]My views stated in the above paragraphs, (hereby refered to as "the preceeding"), are the views of my individual, and not of the companies owned nor operated by one Christopher D. Merchant, (hereby refered to as "the writer"), and should not distort or change one's opinion of the writer nor his businesses. This disclaimer has full legal standing, and is subject to change at any time without prior notice to the viewees- the population of one - "Outpost-Universe.net Forums". This is not to be redistributed without the permission of the writer. The legality of this disclaimer is to be a per annum. All fines waived.[/size]