I'm an old gamer who started on the Atari 2600 (well, pong machine was first), worked his way to the Atari 800 then to a 286, skipped 386, jumped to 468, etc... Picked up an Atari Jaguar along the way but I suppose some things are better left unsaid:)
Anyway, been gaming now for a bunch-o-years and found myself playing OP1 and then OP2. Not really sure why the game got such a bad rap, OP2 that is, as I enjoyed the heck out of it years ago but always found it a hard game to beat.
Just had a hair up the pooper to reinstall OP2 and finally, x years later, beat colony game Eden population on medium. Can't believe all I had to do was NOT research mobile weapons platform!
colony game Eden starship is a different animal it seems as you are attacked even without doing mobile research so not sure how to defeat it yet. Your tips are welcome:)