We have two bots on our channels now:
OPU|Bot - run on a eggdrop (unix), coded in C, some addons in Tcl & C++
OPU|Bot2 - run on a windows comp, on my connection, coded in mIRC
The main bot has a user list which deals with auto voiceing members. It also has the game pickup system which runs in #outpost2:
In the topic of #Outpost2, you'll notice the words Next Game with a bunch of nicks and ? marks near it.
This is the Outpost 2 game pickup system. Similar to the system on #ctfpickup.fr, you can add/remove yourself from the game using a few commands.
/msg OPU|Bot !add - Add yourself to the game in the topic. The bot will automatically update the topic to include you.
/msg OPU|Bot !remove or /msg OPU|Bot !del - Remove yourself from the game in the topic. The bot will automatically remove you from the topic.
/msg OPU|Bot hosted <yourip> - Tell the system that you are hosting the game. The part after the @ in the topic will change to display your IP.
/msg OPU|Bot unhosted - Tell the system that you cannot host anymore. Your IP will be removed from the topic.
When the game is full, the bot will /msg you and everyone in the game to join, if an IP is set.
Any questions? Ask an operator of #Outpost2 to help you.
This bot also sets the topic for the channels which only ops can do.
Commands of Bots:
All channels:
!help - Show multi guide link
!links - Shows usefull links
!seen <user> - Tells you when that user was last seen in the channel
!op2dl - Shows Outpost 2 download link
!peak - Shows the peak of users the channel has had in
!admin - Calls admins to the channel (Please dont abuse, and only use when you need an admin because there is no admin around)
!ports - Shows OP2 ports
!stats - Shows stats link
!quote - Shows a random quote from the quote database
!google <search> - Does a Google search and shows the top result
!imdb <search> - Does a IMDB search and shows the films info
!news - Shows link to news.
!ping - Shows your ping.
!links - Gives usefull coding links
!sdk - Gives SDK link
!msvc - Gives MSVC link
Rember dont spam or abuse the bots
If you want anything added or need help just ask.