
1f y0u c4n r34d 7h15, y0u r34||y n33d 70 637 |41d.

Yes I could read this in 30 seconds or less...
35 (85.4%)
No I can not read this in 30 seconds or less
4 (9.8%)
I'd rather not say...
2 (4.9%)

Total Members Voted: 39

Author Topic: Can You Read This?  (Read 20863 times)

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Can You Read This?
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2010, 09:29:08 AM »
agreed, and with that said, im going to blow up the earth FOR THE 79TH TIME!!! XD
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline evecolonycamander

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Can You Read This?
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2010, 09:53:51 AM »
OKEY... :rolleyes:  
''The blight cant get us up here!''
-famous last words
Outpost 2: EoM project status: Re-planning

Offline Angellus Mortis

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Can You Read This?
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2010, 08:38:36 AM »
actually, reading something like is more psychological than knowing leet speak

we as humans have an instinct for 'completeing the circle' where if we see a jumble of words that resembles the intended word OR the intended word with letters missing, we will instinctively fill in the blanks, so reading leet speak is easy because your brain will fill in the blanks...
Nynx is right. I do not post here much more, but I did my senior paper (for high school) on artificial intelligence. I read many books to do that and put too much effort into it. The brain is sometimes compared to a harddrive but is in fact nothing like one. Harddrives store data to be used later. The brain... well we are not completely sure yet. All we know is that the way it stores information is not in any orderly fashion and we do not actually "remember" anything. Our brain just pieces together familiar scents, images, sounds and other to make something. So one person can look at the l33t speak, as it is called, and see words whereas others cannot. I have been talking to people that use that all the time and I could always read it, though I never use it. Maybe it is just the fact that I read so many books. Here is an example that I found in my readings:

A man comes into a dinner and kills another and flees. the police comes and questions three people that saw the murderer. One says he is 6 foot and he is pale with dark black hair. Another says he is a short man and is Asian. The third says that he is Mexican. The reason for this is because all these people each had a dangerous encounter with one of these types of people and was, therefore, seeing what the brain familiarized the situation with.  

Offline CK9

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Can You Read This?
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2010, 09:26:11 AM »
and then there's the case in a criminology course where an assistant dashed in, grabbed something, and dashed out.  The proffessor yelled out, "Did anyone see that curly haird man?"  Everyone thought he had curly hair, but when he came back in, it was short and straight.  This shows that the human mind is easily tampered with, and therefore it wouldn't be difficult to convince people to see words where none exist.
CK9 in outpost
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srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer games...it was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
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