Author Topic: OP 3:NP Progress  (Read 15478 times)

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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OP 3:NP Progress
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2004, 10:24:54 AM »
School is boring, to say something again... so do u know what i did? I designed another mission... Plus i have the previous two mission's (and of course this one's) map layout in my hand.
send your maps in a TXT file and a BMP file to! The Top 5 will be included in Bonus missions! BMP should include layout with in these tilesets: Installation, Grassland, Moon-like, New Terran, Oceanic. TXT includes units, objectives, mission teaser ("briefing").
Just keep them coming... and Ideas topic is still open :D
So today i have an Eden map, where you can explore almost the whole spaceship.
Some of the objectives won't be shown in-game, you have to discover them. But for the OPU, i make an exception and write all here. (A=appears when completed previous)

- Move to the dock and see who came.
-A Quickly, hide your troops behind the crates!
--A Try to get an antidote for Blight.
--A Save the scientist.
---A Get to the bedrooms, living rooms and dining rooms and give everyone vaccine.
----A Destroy the infector savant.
>>>>> Defeat condition <<<<<
Flint and the Scientist must survive. 50 troops must survive (90 left alive).

Bedrooms section. Room #01-05. James, the room owner and Flint Grant, the current leader of Eden is in the room.
- You can be happy I lost my weapon, James.
- I told you, Flint, that the OP3 UCSS was last seen with Cate... 5 days ago, one day after the launch from New Terra. Maybe SHE lost it.
Flint sighs.
- Well, I will ask her and her roommates, but i will be watching you. Now go and get some food for yourself.
Seventy-four seconds later Flint storms in room #01-03.
- Where can I find Cate?
- We haven't seen her for five days, but when she disappeared, we seen the Plymouth starship passing by and picking up something.
- Damn! A spy... Does anyone have a copy?
- Stephen has. Room #04-11.
Flint calmed down a bit knowing that he can play OP3 soon. He headed for the room, but ten he noticed something... a savant icon... belonging to a ship... which is headed for the Skydock module! Flint ran up the main deck and pressed the security lockdown button. He heard the news. He heard what almost happened to Plymouth. He can't allow that to happen to Eden. He ran down the lab and told the scientists to start working on the Blight vaccine. He gave special permission to use the Blight sample. Then he ran out of the lab to the dock. He must do something before total chaos comes for Eden.

Someone has landed on the dock. Flint Grant has been gone out to see who it is. He must survive.
There was a recent attack from the Blight on the Plymouth ship. Beware of whomever landed there...
That is for today folks...

Editor's notes: yes, the Outpost 3 Ultra-Capacity Special Storager is an important piece of the game.
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Progress in OP3:NP[/size][/font]
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Going slowly... Very slow.

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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OP 3:NP Progress
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2004, 10:15:26 AM »
No OPU-maps have arrived yet :P
If u have problem with the units (which will be in game), you can just give me some fantasy units.
I was BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED in school, designed 2 maps (hehe, later) and UNITS!
First, if you have read the things above 'bout
(res) = need to be researched

---- START UNIT ----
Name: Zornith Guardian
Race: guess which.
Ability: Acid Spit, Leap Attack, (res)EMP Wave, (res)Burrow
-------- NEXT --------
Name: Zornith Champion
Race: ???????
Ability: Supersonic Wave, (res)Burrow
------ END UNIT -----
Great news for OP2 fans... OP3 in progress.
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Progress in OP3:NP[/size][/font]
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Going slowly... Very slow.

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2004, 07:43:53 AM »
Well i started on sounds... the new modell of the computers, the Centrium computers almost sound like Mar Sara (am i right?) from Starcraft. They can process data 12x faster and now doesnt use Terrasoft Windows 99, but it uses Linux 15673.0 which NEVER EVER crashes and has a Windows emulator...

I have some good music too but i need more :P

Great news for OP2 fans... OP3 in progress.
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Going slowly... Very slow.

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2004, 07:57:09 PM »
some sounds i created (oops i heard too much of Yoda) and a map. this is the last mission of the third group of Plymouth so to dont shoot the surprise i censored a part of it, you can see 3 *s at these parts.

- Approach Zornitium with the fighting convoy.
-- Find a suitable site of landing
--- Gather 30000 Meteoric ore
--- Steal back and analyze the original OP3 UCSS
---- ***
---- ***
----- ***
------ Destroy the Zornith base in the Mountain Pass.
------- ***

- DANG! We lost it again. The original is in the hands of the Zorniths!
This shout hears out of the main room of the ship. Emma, Flint and Mal all were complaining about the last assault on the ship. Mal who has only seen the UCSS twice knew ***. He seen it once in the past. And he seen it when Emma put it away to the hidden stash, which wasn't hidden anymore when that Vacuum Grenade blew up.
- Calm down Emma its not your fault... Its the small leaper who took your weapon and shot that Grenade. - said Mal wisely.
- Oh right... But it was MY weapon!
Flint who was just listening the debate suddenly said something...
- They wanted that OP3 UCSS very much. They only assaulted us for it.
- Hmmm... yes Flint you have a point
- Therefore that UCSS is not a simple gaming disc...
- Yes its a perfect strategy creator and even there are unit refenences i--
- The unit references... All our technical data.
- Nope. Its not that they needed it for.
- But Mal..
- I need to tell you a secret... That disc is originally a martian disc which *** and a game has been installed on it too to make it seem like a simple disc.
- Then we got no time to waste! Our doom is getting closer and closer.

The Zorniths' outpost took the UCSS. You must get it back at all costs.
Do not let the Zorniths have the disc for too much time otherwise ***.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2005, 09:52:45 AM by PlayingOutpost0-24 »
Great news for OP2 fans... OP3 in progress.
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Progress in OP3:NP[/size][/font]
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CODING [----------]
Going slowly... Very slow.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2004, 06:07:06 AM »
that sounds like a great offencive mission.

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2005, 09:52:16 AM »
Plym Group 4 Mission 3
- Find 3 sites for the Seed Colonies and Base Movers.
-- Destroy the Zornith Power Cores.
--- Take over the outer unpowered Zornith bases.
---- Eliminate the security posts.
----- Destroy all 20 training facilities.
------ Kill the remaining guards.
-------- ***
--------- ***
---------- ***
----------- ***
- (Optional) Find and take over the underground compound (unlocks a CG game mode and 5 maps)

Flint, Emma and Mal are hiding in a Lion, waiting for the reinforcements... 20 minutes later (Emma, at the tenth minute: "So much scout teams I am starting to feel like in a graveyard...") some reinforcements arrive... Mal comes out of the Lion and notices that the reinforcements are only the evacuation team.
- What the... What happened to the base? - asked Flint
- A swarm of the Zorniths arrived from East... 300,000 maybe 400,000... - answered a soldier
- How come this team survived then?
- We were sent in front... The others maybe still fighting. A cloak field was set up to cover us.
- This swarm is getting really annoying. The only thing we can do is to get their leaders. - said Mal
- Anything we know about him...?
- Let's interrogate someone?
And the big Zornith hunt started. In the evening they successfully captured and interrogated a naive young Zornith scout. They got info about the UCSS, and the master who is only referred as.... The Ultimate One.

The Zorniths have conquerred our base. It seems that they get a new ARMY every minute. The only way to stop it is to take out the main base. More briefing about this is given by Martian Leader Mal.

||Transmission from Mal||: The looklike of the Zornith base can be seen on the picture. The RED marked areas are the Power Core meltdown radius. This meltdown can easily destroy a big area of security and unpower the outer bases, the ones marked with GREEN. We need to take over these areas, empower them to get some security and units. Next strategy points are the Training Facilities. 20 of them. They are marked with BLUE as you can see. These facilities are enhanced and can train 10 units per minute. After they are destroyed ***.***.***.***.***.***.***. There is also an interesting point at the orange marker which marks an underground compond entrance. We could win extra plans and units from such a base.
Great news for OP2 fans... OP3 in progress.
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Progress in OP3:NP[/size][/font]
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CODING [----------]
Going slowly... Very slow.

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2005, 12:29:33 PM »
Okay OP3:NP is not dead. Its just going very slowly. I have a job and I only have the computer for an hour every day... In this hour I usually read my emails and go to one or two places on the internet. Then its over and I had 2 minutes for coding. Dang! Okay ill code next time... It goes like this. Well i have to wait a quarter year only and I'm back online.
Great news for OP2 fans... OP3 in progress.
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Progress in OP3:NP[/size][/font]
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CODING [----------]
Going slowly... Very slow.

Offline Sub-Zero22

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« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2005, 01:50:27 PM »
Sounds good so far... what's the progress?

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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« Reply #33 on: March 20, 2005, 09:29:43 PM »
Look at my sig - I just updated it :)

I love positive feedbacks  B)  
Great news for OP2 fans... OP3 in progress.
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Progress in OP3:NP[/size][/font]
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CODING [----------]
Going slowly... Very slow.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2005, 12:58:05 PM »
just wanted to say to playingoutpost.. u have pretty bad grammer and typing skills
so do i :D

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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« Reply #35 on: May 04, 2005, 11:41:22 AM »
hey..i just registered to this forum today.. but i just wanted to say to playingoutpost.. u have pretty bad grammer and typing skills..

i gtg to next class.. will edit when i get home
Is that **** is why you registered? Well, FYI, I am not English, but at least I don't use your noobish netspeak. THAT is pretty bad spelling the hell.

"u have pretty bad grammer and typing skills.. "

Wow! The word "you" is perfectly spelled! Oh and look! He typed "grammar" correctly!

"i just registered to this forum today"

"to", eh? That is super perfect grammar

Sorry for the heavy offense but first read what you posted and then offend me.

[EDIT]Closed topic so you cannot post noobs***s here. If you want to complain about me - Test Forum =)[/EDIT]

[EDIT2]Actually I have a better idea...[/EDIT2]
« Last Edit: May 21, 2005, 10:52:59 AM by PlayingOutpost0-24 »
Great news for OP2 fans... OP3 in progress.
Official Site
Outpost 3: A New Power progress
OP3:NP Discussion

Progress in OP3:NP[/size][/font]
GRAPHICS [||||------]
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MAP DESIGNING [|||||-----]
CODING [----------]
Going slowly... Very slow.