Author Topic: what do you believe?  (Read 3128 times)

Offline CK9

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what do you believe?
« on: April 10, 2004, 05:44:02 PM »
with the religion debate that seems to be spreading, I think it would be a good idea to see where everyone stands instead of just arguing like crazy.

This is what I believe:

I do not think there is a God.  I do, however, believe there is at least one lifeform that has powers that we would consider God-like.  I believe that everyone has two spirits: an earth-bound and an astral.  The astral is the one that gives you the past-life memories.  The earth bound gives you your unique personality, but the astral spirit has a small amount of influence on it that makes you similar to your past self.  If the earth bound spirit is a lot 'stronger' than the astral, you will not remember your past lives.  The stronger the astral spirit is compared to the earth-bound, the more of your past meories you can access.  As for the bible, there is some truth to it.  There has been evidence found that proves that to me (i.e.: they found what is believed to be part of Noa's Arc in the Black Sea.).  But, as I have said somewhere else, they are exadurated (i.e.: Moses did not control the water, there was a typhoon, which is known to happen in the area of the Red Sea, and at the start of a typhoon, the water-level drops dramatically).

Also, science can explain more than religion.  The theory of Quantum foam, for example, realy intrigues me.  It gives me hope that we will some day harness the power and travel to worlds where fantasy is reality.

that's where I stand, where do you?
« Last Edit: April 10, 2004, 06:33:45 PM by CK9 »
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srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
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Offline Zircon

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what do you believe?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2004, 06:16:43 PM »
<Edited because of too much personal information revealed>
« Last Edit: April 17, 2004, 05:03:20 PM by Zircon »


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what do you believe?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2004, 10:51:29 PM »
I believe in Christianity, which is not a religion, but a way of life.

I believe that there is a God, and that he sent his son to die for the forgiveness of our sins so that we would no longer be separated from God and would gain is mercy as opposed to his wrath.

I believe that God is all around us, and sends his Holy Spirit to live inside all Christians as is said in the bible.

I believe that the Bible is the only inspired word of God

I follow and hold true to every teaching of the Bible, and that it is the only true word of God.

I also believe that God allows bad things to happen to us so that we can learn from it.

I believe that I am going to heaven when I die, and that there is no truth but that.

Offline ZeusBD

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what do you believe?
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2004, 12:59:15 AM »
I'm a Christian

I believe in God and Jesus as my all mighty savior

I believe that God created human's in his image

I believe that the bible is not just stories, but lays a foundation for all human life

I believe in living by the bible (I sometimes don't, but hey, only one man in the world's life has never sinned, that's Jesus Christ, so if I do, I just ask for forgiveness)

I do not believe that anyone can/should talk to God for me as the Catholics do

I believe that I am going to Heaven because I believe in God and have accepted him into my heart.

This nation was founded on a bases of religion and I believe that we should continue to live by it.
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Offline Sammyk

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what do you believe?
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2004, 07:51:51 PM »
yes, phantom and zeus, yall are awesome.  :D i live by the bible as well and i also believe that it is a foundation to build upon for everyday living. okay. CK9, you said that you believed in the Quantum foam theory, ive never heard of that one. explain. and could you also explain the hole big bang theory. cause the big bang theory for me is "God spoke, and BANG it happened.". hehe. i read that in a christian book store before.

Offline zeritou

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what do you believe?
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2004, 08:41:57 AM »
i believe that everyone is entitled to there own opinion as long as they dont try to force it on me.

when they do, thats when there is a problem

also just one of those f.y.i. things

the jewish religion and the christian relegion are exactly the same up untill "the ressurection"  the christians believe that jesus came back to life and walked away, thus makeing him the messia. the jews believe that his body was stolen wich makes him just another prophet.
how to insult a klingon:

qatlh Quch Hab ghaj no'ra'
vaj HabHa''a' je 'uSDu'lIj joj

wich translates roughly to:

how come you guys never had those for head bumps in the first staktrek series and do you guys have bumps like that on your genitals too?

Offline Zircon

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what do you believe?
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2004, 10:58:06 AM »
yes, phantom and zeus, yall are awesome.  :D i live by the bible as well and i also believe that it is a foundation to build upon for everyday living. okay. CK9, you said that you believed in the Quantum foam theory, ive never heard of that one. explain. and could you also explain the hole big bang theory. cause the big bang theory for me is "God spoke, and BANG it happened.". hehe. i read that in a christian book store before.
I hope no one minds that i bump in a bit  :unsure:

General note: There's so many theories and sub theories regarding the quantum mechanics so what i may say is probably agreed by some and not by others and will probably be incorrect in many ways because the thing with quantum is that you cannot predict an outcome, you can only calculate how something could or should react but it could do the exact opposite.

As for the entire world being filled with micro singularites, maybe, you cant prove they are there though but if you were to dump some antimatter into a micro singularity it would temporarily expand possibly opening a passageway to another "layer" of existance. If you were to pour a bigger amount into it though the hole would become so big that it would tear space time as Einstein talked about.

It could be illustrated like having a rather soft net and dropping a ball on it, the "net" (space time) would bend around ball.

If there is a tear in space time it would cause another "big bang", ordinary black holes are sometimes called tears in space time but not like that.

Storing antimatter would be very hard though and creating it is also very difficult, first of all you need one really big particle accelerator (there's one or two powerful in the US to do this) then you send a heavy atom at very high speeds through the conduit and also a single photon package, if you're lucky they will pass really close to each other and then the photon package will turn into a positive proton (normal)  and a negative proton (not normal) the negative proton is antimatter.
When the antimatter comes into contact with any other protons however they merge again and turn into pure energy, thus it makes containing the antimatter very difficult because it will literally eat any protons it comes into contact with.

Back to the future, ara, i mean the big bang.
Again it has several theories...
Theory 1: The universe as it is right now will keep growing and growing until eventually it will stop and start pulling into itself again, when the universe has become very compact it triggers a big blast (a super strong supernova, really big) which will disperse everything and the story starts a new. The theory states this process has continued over and over...

Theory 2: Before the big bang things were kinda like in a nebula, gas etc and then things simply heated up and boom. Im to lazy to go into more details on this one, read an encyclopedia.

Theory 3: Quantum theory combined with the string theory and the "fat lady" combining the different string theories. There are countless universes and possibilities (like a hypercube, it turns into itself. It's freaky to look at such illustrations) the universes are could be described as oval shapes floating close to each other waying back and forth in unity, the ovals dont touch each other though.
When however one of these ovals decides to start moving out of rhytm either because of natural phenomena or happenings inside the oval they will collide with other ovals. The result of 2 ovals colliding is like throwing a glittery snow globe around, the snow inside will disperse and the quick movements imitate a big bang resetting the universe.

Theory 4-59etc, there's alot more but theese are the only ones i've read about, and all three mentioned above could be correct.

So lets filter out the theories from facts
1: the universe is expanding, we can see this but cant prove why.
2: antimatter can and have been created in particle accelerators.
3: While the quantum thory is just a theory it is currently the best tool to explain why and how certain things work (how can for example a photon package from a laser predict a correct path without visiting both paths, buut that's another story)
4: The string theory is also currently the best tool to explain how certain things work but there's still no way to prove "strings" exist. It is only logical however to expect that quarks must be built out of something. And that makes you woonder, is there another step beyond strings.

But still nr 3-4 are just theories.
There wasn't so much about the quantum foam but hey, atleast it's a start :P

Zircon reserves the right to be mistaken at one point or two because it turned out to be a very long message... Also, dont think that i understand quantum mechanics, you have to be a nutcase (be so in tune with maths that it is basically your life) in order to understand that kind of maths, i just understand a small part of the verbal and text theory...

Sidenote 1: This reminds me of the dead cat in the box... :blush:
There was this guy that wanted to explain part of the quantum theory so he put a cat into a box, locked it (no airholes no water no food) he then waited for a month and brought his students. The cat would ofcourse be dead yes? But according to the quantum theory something isn't positive or negative before someone has seen it.
So he asked them, is it dead? Yes ofcourse a cat cant survive in there for a month... *disgust* He opens the box and out comes the cat with a big *meow* :P  :blink:

Moral of the story: The students thought in "2 dimensional" terms and took for granted that the professor would keep his word and keep the cat locked up, he didn't and thats part of how quantum could work.
(the original cat in the box experiment was just a random thought made by a scientists, certain people around picked up on the idea however)

Now we just have to hope that some mad scientist doesn't really lock up a cute kitten in order to prove that quantum could act exactly as predicted =X_X=  :blink:

Sidenote 2: Above mentioned theories etc, are not really "down to earth" there's one "big bang" theory that's really big and i built upon loads of chemical reactions etc, i think i caught a glimpse of it in the library once.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2004, 11:16:50 AM by Zircon »

Offline Ezekel

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what do you believe?
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2004, 07:51:53 AM »
mrr, i just wanna say that noah landed his ark on a mountain (and i can find the name of said mountain, if i can be bothered), it was somewhere in teh iraq/iran area though

also, i'm an agnostic sapardi jew, draw your own conclusions from that (but look up teh word agnostic before you do)

and no, i don't believe in Heaven

and judaism don't believe in hell anyways... judaism believes there are different levels of heaven... ... think of it like this: God is on stage in a theatre, and ppl like Moses, Noah, Isaac, Jacob and Abraham and yeh, Jesus to, as he did live a good life (if a confuzzling one), will be in the front row. ppl like hitler will be right in the back row, sitting behind a pillar (so he gets a really bad view so to speak).

mrr, i'm undecided about reincarnation, but i do believe in the astral plane (partly due to certain personal experience related to it).

um, thats all i can think of right now...
oh there is one more thing:
i believe that exams are EVIL
« Last Edit: June 10, 2004, 07:57:43 AM by Ezekel »
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