Author Topic: Newb Help, Tech Tree's, etc  (Read 3786 times)

Offline Strider2k

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Newb Help, Tech Tree's, etc
« on: May 25, 2004, 07:57:04 PM »
Finally I found somewhere where people still play this game :D

I picked up my disk again not to long ago and started playing again, but it's become quite annoying with researches again. Does anyone have or know of a techtree? I just need a simple one that tells me which researches open up other researches etc. Would really appreciate any help.

Also for the first time today I got EMP'd by a missile :/ I've never seen those before. Is there a way I can build them, and if not, is there a defense against them?

Last question: Whats the best defense for your colony? I mean, I can have a line of Guard Posts and they still get through. Also, do walls block your own weapons fire? I've thought of putting them in front of the weapons but I thought it might block it.

Thanx for all the help guys.

Offline Leviathan

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Newb Help, Tech Tree's, etc
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2004, 08:04:58 PM »
hey please start playing the game with us again. we allways need more members.
join us at #outpost2 on quakenet. u need a irc clientt 2 get there, not got 1? go here:

Offline Betaray

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Newb Help, Tech Tree's, etc
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2004, 07:43:57 PM »
built in with your game is a online manual and stratigy guide, the coloney guide has a list of all the reashourch topics in the game, and the online manual has a list of all structures and vecs in the game

btw the emp missle is made at the space port and can only be built by plymouth, there is a defence for them, you have to be eden and build an observatory and a metior defence, hope it helps, try not to mind the spelling :D  
I am the nincompoop, I eat atomic bombs for breakfest, fusion bombs for lunch, and anti-matter bombs for dinner

I just hope they don't explode

Offline Highlander

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Newb Help, Tech Tree's, etc
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2004, 06:11:50 AM »
1) It is correct what Betaray points out. The is a manual with the CD. Perhaps not the tech tree you wanted, but it tells you what you need to research in order to get the stuff you want.

2) EMP missiles can only be build by Plymouth, and since you were hit by 1 I guess your at either Eden campaign or Eden Starship. You can defend against these in many ways, but the most effective is by researching observatory and meteor defense. Build both an observatory(in base) and a Meteor Defense building (where you need to defend). The Meteor Defense will shoot down inbound missiles, as long as they are not launched in pairs or three's(only in Multi Player)

3) Best defense for you colony, is the location. You can have all weapons researched and have loads of defenses, but at wrong position in map you will still encounter problems. Having said that, lets look at you line of Guarp Post (GP) as you mention.

1 line of GP's are not very hard to get through. 1 way of strenghtening you line of defenses is by having 2 lines of GP's.

You must also pay attention to what kind of GP's you use, and wheter you GP's are connected to Command Centre with tubes. As Eden I would reccomend using Acid Clouds and Emp's as GP's. For Plymouth ESG and Emp are the best. Also, have you ESG GP's fire where enemy is approaching as vehicles will take more damage when they drive towards the ESG GP. In your GP line Emp GP's should be placed as every 2nd GP.

As for Walls, you must have in mind what kind of weapons you have availible. Laser, Microwave and Rail Gun, all need a clear line of fire. Meaning they cannot fire over walls and buildings. Weapons such as EMP, ESG and RPG, can all fire over walls. Looking at the combos I mention earlier, those weapons can all fire over walls. You should always build walls infront of your GP's, if your weapons availible allows them to shoot over the walls.

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Offline Strider2k

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Newb Help, Tech Tree's, etc
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2004, 01:46:40 AM »
k I've found the Online Manual, and I see even where it mentions the strat guide, but I can't find it :/ can anyone tell me an exact file location maybe? I have it installed in C:\SIERRA\Outpost2