Author Topic: Gay marrage  (Read 23988 times)

Offline CK9

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« Reply #75 on: May 11, 2004, 11:38:34 PM »
before I reply to that, I just want to repeat this so it can be seen:

the best part of this forum: we can P!$$ eachother off in the debate forum and still be friends in the rest of the boards.


but people put faith in many things blindly.  Rome fell because the people had faith that it would never fall.  ironic, isn't it?
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« Reply #76 on: May 12, 2004, 01:26:58 AM »
the best part of this forum: we can P!$$ eachother off in the debate forum and still be friends in the rest of the boards.

That's what debate is all about! lol}

but people put faith in many things blindly. Rome fell because the people had faith that it would never fall. ironic, isn't it?

It is also ironic that the biggest persecutor of christianity, became the Roman Catholic Church. lol.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #77 on: May 12, 2004, 08:41:26 AM »
lol, shows the contridictions within itself
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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #78 on: May 12, 2004, 04:20:14 PM »
You can use the word "piss", it's not censored.. you don't have to censor it manually.

Following the Bible isn't blindly believing. There are things in there that did happen. There is proof.

For example, an early example is the great flood. For example:
GE 8:1 But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded. 2 Now the springs of the deep and the floodgates of the heavens had been closed, and the rain had stopped falling from the sky. 3 The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down, 4 and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. 5 The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible.

Recently, ancient wooden remains were located at the top of Mt. Ararat (within the last century.)

This proves it well.

Offline Zircon

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« Reply #79 on: May 12, 2004, 04:57:03 PM »

Mountain... Mountains erode... If they erode there is no possible protective surface, without a protective structure on the mountain things disapear (rot, fungus, decomposition) if the mountain is cold cellulosa could survive for a long time but with avalanches etc... it would be washed away...

If the Earth was covered with water for so long you would see evidence in earth layers that it was covered, different PH, algae, remains, the typical characterisitcs of an ocean you know etc...

Then there's the in-breeding... Also i have to wonder... Where do black people come from, did noah have a couple of those as well...

Again.. A mountain, i have yet to see a swedish mountain that doesn't or haven't had trees on them... Trees die, they leave remains if you're lucky the remains stay there... [refer to above as well]

It's like, ooohh, a round stoneball below my house, this clearly proves there are pokemon, and this was a pokeball

I mean god, i could go on forever. Forever with things to disproove this, when someone asks if i can disproove god, no... i cant.. but this... i mean... woah... my litttle brother could explain this when he was four...

I think im going to run outside and dance in the rain, humanity reached a new low today

Ladada ladadi ladada ladadi
*throws biology/marinelife/space/focus books into the air*

I mean physics/biology/chemistry grade 1 read it...
I mean a solarsail with a magnetosphere and a drunken a guy with a story about the sun standing still and people say "true true" (that's like the biggest hoax known on the web)

I've got a math test tomorrow it messes with the brain...

I so wish Zhen Lin was here or even new-er-bie (even if he was a die hard christian he was more "down to earth" then this) would be a saint at this point *sobs*

Proof *hysterical laugh*
« Last Edit: May 12, 2004, 05:07:11 PM by Zircon »

Offline CK9

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« Reply #80 on: May 12, 2004, 06:27:28 PM »
goota love science.  some of the stories have some fact, but they all are glorified, and thus believing in them completely is having blind faith
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Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #81 on: May 12, 2004, 06:32:47 PM »
yah. i dont believe in all science studies. but i do belive in this one

Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #82 on: May 12, 2004, 06:33:39 PM »
Well last time I checked logs that appear to be cut by man didn't end up on top of a mountain that's in a desert/sandy area.

And Zircon: you say they would be gone due to erosion, etc. So that would mean there would be no evidence. Use logical reasoning:

If the mountain was disturbed by erosion, then there would be no evidence.
There is evidence.

Therefore you can logically conclude that the mountain was not disturbed.

(Modus Tollens: Given the implication p->q, the statement ~q is believed to be true. Therefore ~p also has to be true.)
(~p is another way of saying not p, AKA the inverse of p.)

Offline CK9

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« Reply #83 on: May 12, 2004, 06:53:47 PM »
but, Hacker, remember this part of it:
p->q, yet r/>p thus if ~q and ~r are believed to be true, ~p is a paradox
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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #84 on: May 12, 2004, 07:18:53 PM »
where is R coming from? I'm not talking Law of Syllogism.

There isn't other stuff to Modus Tollens.

Mathematically itd be written:
p -> q
.:. ~p

(can't do therefore symbol easily)

and remember if you are trying to negate an implication with that /> (is that what it's supposed to be?)

you'd really get p ^ ~q (p and not q)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2004, 07:20:16 PM by op2hacker »

Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #85 on: May 12, 2004, 07:20:49 PM »
ummm. yeah.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #86 on: May 12, 2004, 09:46:47 PM »
if this then that, but if the other than not this
~that and ~the other ~this = paradox
CK9 in outpost
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Offline Zircon

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« Reply #87 on: May 13, 2004, 01:37:48 AM »
ooooooh. i have another source. you no how we have satelites up in space. well they were tracking time back and sending in signals of time and th signals stoped coming in so the scients studied it and found that there was a day in history missing. well if you look it up in the bible it says that God had speed up time or somthing and a day was gone. im not sure if i have it right. i probably dont but there is a day missing in time and in the bible.
You mean to say you fell for the biggest and somewhat old hoax ever  :angry:

Harold Hill was a drunken guy who was hired to fill the tanks with gas!
The incident if so to call it never took place, NASA has declared this over and over for ages. This is pathetic... 40! Years! and people still haven't gotten this thing out of their heads...

Make a search for it on the web (google is your friend ;) ) It's mentioned in books, media, everywhere documentaries etc!

People wouldn't even comment when i punched their balloon into pieces with facts that even the church agrees upon...


OP2hacker, post a source!
And i didn't say erosion destroyed the "evidence" the erosion which happens all the time would remove the protective layer, without a protective layer cellulosa would disappear in not much time at all.

And why not answer the other questions, like your magnetosphere, or black people, in-breeding etc. Afraid or simple self denial ?

And a sandy place of all things, if it was a place with never melting glaciers it would make things more valid but ever blowing sand and counting the drasticly changing temperatures a log would dissapear in less then a year...
Fossils survive (bonemass) because they exist in a rather calm area below the surface, if it were to blow and they were exposed they'd quickly be disfigured beyond recognition. And bonemass is very hardy, tree is not...

When they find mud graves several meters below the surface in optimal preserving environments tree is often long gone and they only find the stone axe itself...
Plus the desert isn't friendly against anything as they even have mean micro organisms.

As you're unable to bring up anything that holds any value i'll give you one.
Moses (or whatever his name was) when he was going to lead his people out of the country and made the waters split apart, that actually happens.
When the earth in combination with the moon and sun can in rare instances make the waters draw away but just in a rather narrow path, as the passage of the planets last only about half an hour it would leave him with time to pass the waters and then it would close behind him, no im not talking of a solid waterwall like in movies.

It's like the everyday happenings at the sea but a stronger force.

The mystery behind it is how they knew about it and how in earths name they managed to be there at that exact moment (if they were there that is)

But a gigantic ocean covering the Earth, that's just... sad...



Their results will prove interesting mr.wealreadyfoundtheark unknownsourcium...
« Last Edit: May 13, 2004, 03:09:54 AM by Zircon »

Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #88 on: May 13, 2004, 02:13:52 PM »
My source was NBC News (TV). It said they found remains (don't know if they saw them firsthand, or took images from space), yes I know they can't prove 100% sure that's it's the Ark but it's the most reasonable to believe because that's the only recorded history that mentions objects on top of Mt. Ararat.

What I am saying is, the remains must have been preserved if they found something at the top of the mountain.

As far as black people, I believe that the first people were a "mix of all races." Remember that color of the skin is controlled by multiple alleles. (like between black, oriental, etc) Also there is incomplete dominance involved.
Using this simplified model (yes it is much more complex than this, there are many genes that control this) I'll try to explain:
D = light
d = dark
Now assume both parents are carrying heterozygous dominant (Genotype=Dd)
Now I can draw a Punnett square:
Code: [Select]
   D  d
d Dd dd
Phenotype with incomplete dominance:
1 White : 2 tan : 1 Black

Therefore different skin colors can come from that.

Referring to the magnetosphere, the solar sail creates a magnetic field that particles bounce off that are coming from the sun, creating thrust for the ship.

Offline Kramy

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« Reply #89 on: May 13, 2004, 02:27:52 PM »
NBC!  :lol:  :lol: I watch that channel whenever I want to laugh. :lol:  

Offline Zircon

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« Reply #90 on: May 13, 2004, 02:49:05 PM »
Referring to the magnetosphere, the solar sail creates a magnetic field that particles bounce off that are coming from the sun, creating thrust for the ship.

Im guessing by now that you're referring to the Magnetic Sail

They work on two different principles, solarsails make use of a mirror.

The solarsail they (have and will launch again) launched into space had nothing to do with a magnetic field.


As for the other things, true true, and we'll have to wait for more results before arguing more  :P It is foolish to speculate on it from either side...

Extreme cold is very effective especially when in an ice casing because the oxygen among other will have trouble "attacking" the material.

And they were images from space, that's why the curious millionairs are sending expeditions.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2004, 02:56:57 PM by Zircon »

Offline CK9

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« Reply #91 on: May 13, 2004, 03:27:35 PM »
:mellow:  how many people are actually understanding all this?
CK9 in outpost
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Offline Kramy

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« Reply #92 on: May 13, 2004, 04:23:14 PM »
I've got about half of it, but I missed most of what op2hacker said. :huh:  


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Gay marrage
« Reply #93 on: May 13, 2004, 06:41:54 PM »
Guys, I think this topic is on gay marrages. If you want to debate religion, there is another debate here.

lol, but what do I know?

Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #94 on: May 13, 2004, 08:00:32 PM »
yah. i dont get it either.  
« Last Edit: May 13, 2004, 08:00:47 PM by Sammyk »

Offline CK9

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« Reply #95 on: May 16, 2004, 07:56:06 PM »
it's you guys using the bible that makes it go to religion...
CK9 in outpost
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Offline CK9

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« Reply #96 on: May 24, 2004, 09:09:33 PM »
okay, this is hillarious, just before I decided to check if OUF was working, I found this:

Subject  Date  Author
 F@g-haters make baby Jesus cry: an editorial response by God   
  5-24-04 4:40:08pm  Emilis
I was recently spending some time at Westlake Center in Seattle WA, and was so unlucky as to be witness to an anti-gay/anti-marriage rally. At this rally, a man in a white robe was speaking an ancient language and, every once in a while, he and the surrounding crowd (of about 200), would hail Hitler, or possibly Satan -- guessing from the fact that because there was no goats' blood on the sidewalk, it was not Satan. There were also signs that said "No!!! Homosexuality" or "No!!! Same-sex marriage" (the grammatical errors of which I will go into momentarily), and one great one that said "It's not God's will".

Now, I don't want you kids to get Me wrong or anything, but don't tell me what is and is not My will. I am sick and tired of you humans using Me to justify your hate. I mean, come on, isn't it a little cowardly of you to hate on something you ASSUME that I don't like, in stead of just realizing that you don't like it and hate from there. Further more who are you -- any of you! -- to presume to know what I like and don't like. I will tell you personally if I don't like something you do: you'll either get a smack on the back of the head, or I'll have your cat get hit by a car. So grow a pair, alright? Geezie Creezie, it's just really annoying, and after all I have done for you (this planet -- which you have, by the way, destroyed -- for one; and each other for two), you just assume that I don't like something when you have no possible way to know or understand Me.

Okay, now the grammar of these signs "No!!! Homosexuality" is terrible. I gave you language, and you've f-ed that up too! Any way, as we all can gather from the fact that this was an anti-gay/anti-marriage rally, it was meant in the form of "No Homosexuality" or "No to homosexuality", however, this gross miss-use of the already abhorrent exclaimation point, denotes that they are actually arguing against something with this "No!!! Homosexuality". I know most of you understand the frame up of your respecive languages, but this is, (on top of their being presumptuous about what is My will and what is not), just more fuel added to the other side of the issue: idiots are the only ones opposing opposing homosexuals -- whether that is actually true or not is up to Me to decide, not you.

As you already know, you are all My children, and I love you. I really do (mostly because as a parent I can't not love you, because Cosmic social services are pretty mad about me casting you out of paradise but you deserved it and they agreed -- different issue), but you need to stop using Me and what you think it is that I want as a means of justifying your hate. As I said before, grow a pair and start hating on your own standards, Medamnit!

All the love in the universe (literally),

just had to share this one here... and everywhere. I was so pissed about that rally, especially since I was hanging out with God during my lunch hour at work and that was what we had to listen to while we were trying to talk. God was just as mad as I was, and so she wrote this and gave it to me after I got home from work.


 "Love is the only answer
Hate is the root of cancer then"

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« Reply #97 on: May 25, 2004, 01:17:45 AM »
It's both hilarious and rediculous at the same time.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #98 on: May 25, 2004, 03:15:10 PM »
any yet it is soo true, who are we humans to say what is God's whim if there is a God?
CK9 in outpost
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Offline Zircon

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« Reply #99 on: May 25, 2004, 03:28:02 PM »
*waves hands around crystal ball*
I predict the answer to come *hum*


*falls asleep*

*falls off chair*

Oh, yes... The answer...
They have the "holy" scripture written by #1 ofcourse  :rolleyes: