Author Topic: Gay marrage  (Read 23989 times)

Offline Sammyk

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Gay marrage
« Reply #50 on: May 09, 2004, 11:17:51 AM »
im sorry but gay/les. marriges are the sickest thing ever. if any1 gets mad at my next sentence, sry, but in the bible is said that god made men and women to live and mate together, not men and men and not women and women. i think it is just sick. thats my  opinion.  


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Gay marrage
« Reply #51 on: May 10, 2004, 10:11:43 AM »
Same with me. The problem is that it is imposed on those who do not support it in the way of "tolerance teachings" in classrooms, the reading of homosexual literature, and by critisisms of people speak out against it.

Offline mustang09-06

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« Reply #52 on: May 10, 2004, 10:27:58 AM »
I totally agree with that statement.  Homosexuals are sick and demented.  And if you really research all the diseases that are found as a result of "gay sex" it's not worth it.


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« Reply #53 on: May 10, 2004, 11:10:08 AM »
AIDS included in that. Which is the cause of millions of deaths in Africa.

Offline Kramy

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« Reply #54 on: May 10, 2004, 12:13:45 PM »
I just read through all this and replied to everything I deemed replyable.

You're all living in the past man....a couple thousand years in the past! :P

Secondly, the bible is made to be interpreted only one way, literally.

The bible says: "at the beginning, the Creator made them male and female"

Literally, that means "in the beginning he made male and female". It doesn't mention a thing about marriage. :P

Now think about it: You may not theoretically think much of it; but if you saw a gay/lesbian couple making out on the street etc you probably wouldn't want to see it. (I can tell you, I don't really like seeing that)

I wouldn't want to see anyone slobering over eachother.

And like it2000 said, gay people can't make babies.... so after a while it would degenerate into the extinction of humanity.
The real reason gay people get together is for the "intimate love" relationship. ie. sex. Not for "to be together". They can do that anytime.... that would be like me going somewhere w/ a friend, etc.

Ok, two things: The world's population is growing, TOO FAST! That's why there are millions dieing of starvation every day.  :lol:

Second: They don't need to be married to have sex... :huh:

Plato was forced to poison himself for his teachings, which today we hold many as true. The Majority thougt the world was flat. The majority thought that the universe revolved around the earth.

Babylonians figured it out in sometime BC.(Forget when)

This would be a good sentance if it were an equal rights issue, but this is a moral issue not an equal rights issue. So, that was pretty out of place.

No it's is a moral issue, marriage is a rights issue.

Because lets just face it, its not normal in our world to mary same sex.

Not normal in our world to have sex with the same gender.

"I knew that he was gay when he was three. He liked the color pink."

Phanton: I agree. Pink is a calming colour, and red is an aggressive colour. If he likes pink, I wonder if he'd like blue?(as that's also calming) I like blue. Pink is nice too. I think fast though, so red would be horrible for me.

There is no comparison between humans and animals. Sorry to say but it is true.

Correct. Animals live in harmony with nature. :) Humans destroy whatever gets in our path, in the name of progress. :)
|-|Umo|ns r teh r0xors. o|N1ma!s r teh sux0rs!

Just because maybe male to male contact between animals is normal for the animals, but it's not normal for humans.
|-|Umo|ns r teh r0xors. o|N1ma!s r teh sux0rs!

I totally agree with that statement. Homosexuals are sick and demented. And if you really research all the diseases that are found as a result of "gay sex" it's not worth it.

About the same as if you had sex with lots of the opposite gender.

AIDS included in that. Which is the cause of millions of deaths in Africa.

That's true. I wonder where they got that AIDS from. :whistle:

Ok, now I hope I don't get banned. :D


Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #55 on: May 10, 2004, 03:24:31 PM »
From what i hear, gay people are born with a bad mind mentaly thats why they'r gay

studys show that is partially true

I don't think the religion has flaws itself, its flaws in how it's interpreted.

oh how frikin true

actually, there are some churches in the US that are open to it.


the bible has not changed in over six thousand years


k. sry had to get that out. i hope i dont get banned as well. hehe


Offline Martynd

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« Reply #56 on: May 10, 2004, 05:20:06 PM »
weeeeeeeeeeeeeee aint seen one of these in ages

i must say i am very dissapointed in some of you, very close minded you are

for starters, how can u dismiss the link between homosexual animals, and homosexual humans
sure we are sentiant and can make consious decisions, but the subconsious drive, its exactly the same as that of animals

a stright guy is attracted 2 a girl, they cant help it, they just are, coz of that subcoinsious thing, u cant pick who u fancy. same as u are in a realtionship, ur in love, u brake up.. u cant just turn off that hurt, u cant turn off those feelings, coz of the subconsious elemnt

its the same with a homosexual person, they cant help the subconsious feeling that makes them attracted 2 a guy, they just are, and they CANT help that

yes, theres choise in wether they do anything with a guy, but, theres no choise in the feelings, cmon, really, if it was easy 2 choose do u think they wood chose 2 b in the minority and b rejected by most ppl? hardly

u sayign a gay person cant love another guy, and they must love a woman, and stay with a woman, is just like telling a stright person they have 2 go with a guy, it just DOESNT work

and onto the subject of marrage, im not neciserally sure if marage is correct, since after all its a religious ceronemy and homosexuality is typicly shunned by the church, but when 2 ppl get married, its not for the sex, or for the contact between them, its for the emotioanl attachemnt, now 2 guys in love, or 2 girls in love have the exact same feelings, they should be entitled to a ceronemeny (kinda like marrage) which acknowledges their feelings, their partnership, and then entitles themto the same rights as a "couple"

now lets see how many ppl go to flame me >_<

Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #57 on: May 10, 2004, 06:40:51 PM »
Don't worry, you aren't going to get banned, this is a debate!

It does have a passage in the Bible saying that "a man should not lie with a man as he does a woman", and it does refer to marriage as a union between man and woman and nothing else.

And I agree with what Phantom said about "tolerance teachings". I believe that if we keep getting all upset if someone gets called (a bad name), we'll someday end up with a total reverse of the Holocaust:
a genocide against people who "hate" (those who disagree with the tolerance "be nice to *everyone*" crap.)

No, I don't think being gay is normal. I think if someone who is gay/lesbian comes here and reads this, they should not be offended. That's just what I believe. Nor do I get all mad if I hear a gay person saying being straight is just screwed up. If it was in school, no I wouldn't go running down to the guidance office so I can whine that someone called straight people stupid or whatever bad name they want to give them, I'd just forget about it.

We *can* disagree with people, we don't have to do this "tolerate everyone! if you disagree with them you hate them and you should burn in hell, etc etc" crap.

Preach tolerance too much and you'll get the reverse effect of hate. Hating people who hate.

Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #58 on: May 10, 2004, 08:33:58 PM »
It does have a passage in the Bible saying that "a man should not lie with a man as he does a woman", and it does refer to marriage as a union between man and woman and nothing else.


Secondly, the bible is made to be interpreted only one way, literally.

The bible says: "at the beginning, the Creator made them male and female"

Literally, that means "in the beginning he made male and female". It doesn't mention a thing about marriage.

There you go.

sry but this burns me up, i just hope that nobody gets ticked at me.  please tell me if you are.  

Offline CK9

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« Reply #59 on: May 10, 2004, 08:49:23 PM »
okay, you guys are really pi$$ing me off.  you are looking into and quoting sources from people who are homophobic and ones that have been proven false.  My uncle is gay, he is neither sick nor demented, and he has no mental problems.  some of you claim you have nothing against my belief about reincarnation, yet you can't respect someone's right to marry?  You guys are acting just like those idiots who want to kill the otherkin communities because of a few stupid steriotypes.  Compare this to other issues in history.  Segregation (yes, it is the same concept in this issue), Medievil surfs (couldn't get married unless the king approved it), many things in the history of this world alone are similar, and each one no longer exists.

think about it, your sources are coming from homophobics, they cannot keep their research unbiust.

EDIT: had to change a little language usage
« Last Edit: May 10, 2004, 08:51:02 PM by CK9 »
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Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #60 on: May 10, 2004, 09:00:35 PM »
k, im not fighting anymore but you no whats nasty. when ther is 3 14 year old girls on a ship for a french day thing. (dont ask long  story) and one is givng one a lap dance while the other is like making out the the lap-danceee. EEEEEEEEW. . sry but thats nasty. i dont care what they do on there  own time. but not in pub.  

Offline CK9

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« Reply #61 on: May 10, 2004, 09:03:36 PM »
okay, at that age they shouldn't be thinking about that.  Then again, people used to get married at 12...

all I have to say is, if you don't want to see it don't look.  it isn't like a mother walking around a store while breast-feeding (i was mentally disturbed for a week after seeing that when I was 7)
CK9 in outpost
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Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #62 on: May 10, 2004, 09:20:47 PM »
it isn't like a mother walking around a store while breast-feeding (i was mentally disturbed for a week after seeing that when I was 7)
their is a law saying they can do that


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Gay marrage
« Reply #63 on: May 11, 2004, 11:54:45 AM »
but when 2 ppl get married, its not for the sex, or for the contact between them, its for the emotioanl attachemnt

Mostly for the benifets and not as much the emotional attachment.

you are looking into and quoting sources from people who are homophobic and ones that have been proven false

The only source I get my information from is the Bible. And of course, my own opinions.

some of you claim you have nothing against my belief about reincarnation, yet you can't respect someone's right to marry

"Marrage" was given only between a Man and a Woman when it was first used.

You guys are acting just like those idiots who want to kill the otherkin communities because of a few stupid steriotypes.

First of all, there are few, and secluded situations in which hate crimes have been used against homosexuals. The news however politicizes these issues to make people such as yourself angry, and to go through with their political agenda.

Compare this to other issues in history. Segregation (yes, it is the same concept in this issue), Medievil surfs (couldn't get married unless the king approved it), many things in the history of this world alone are similar, and each one no longer exists.

It is not in the least fair to compare segregation to homosexuality. The African American community had to suffer very horrible cercumstances in those times that homosexuals do not have to face today. Medival surf marrage was still between one man and one woman.

Look, if someone wants to be a Homosexual, well who cares? When they want to force their agendas, and tolerance on us though, then it's another story.
They brought the critisisms upon themselves by forcing their ideals and teachings upon us.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2004, 11:55:36 AM by Phantom »

Offline Martynd

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« Reply #64 on: May 11, 2004, 12:45:58 PM »
"if sum1 wants to be homosexual"

wah??? no1 chooses their sexuality

Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #65 on: May 11, 2004, 02:49:51 PM »
wah??? no1 chooses their sexuality
Sure they do. I don't believe homosexuality is inborn or can be inherited thru genes. (It may appear that way because perhaps the parents are homosexuals who adopted their child) There are "triggers" that can cause people to think a certain way.

For example consider Hitler brainwashing the people in Germany (not the Jews but the non Jewish Germans that became part of the Nazi party). He used propaganda and other methods to brainwash people and children into believing that the Nazi's were wonderful people and that they were the "master race"; that all Jews should be killed and that they were called to eliminate Jews. People did believe this.

Same thing can happen with homosexuality, for example people and other influences (like media, those "Tolerance" groups, being forced to be around people of the same sex all the time, etc) can persuade a person to become homosexual.

They can choose. Many believe that they are "stuck in it" but that's not true - you can get out of it.

You guys are acting just like those idiots who want to kill the otherkin communities because of a few stupid steriotypes.

No one ever said we wanted to kill them. We dislike their lifestyle but we don't hate them as a person.

Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #66 on: May 11, 2004, 03:08:18 PM »
im out of this 'debate' someppl are gonna loose a lot of friends over this one.  

Offline CK9

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« Reply #67 on: May 11, 2004, 03:15:25 PM »
I never said you wanted to kill them, I said you arte acting liike those people.  You quote sources that give steriotypical info, you claim that they are all sick and demented, and you refuse to look at the other side.  If have looked at this from both sides,  and I must say that the foundation of your side looks like it was made in a hurry to try and make it look like it was more strongly based and farther along.

and Phantom, the bible isn't a source, because it can be interpreted many ways.  An ideal society would have done away with it and started doing some research to get completely factual accountings.
CK9 in outpost
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Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #68 on: May 11, 2004, 07:00:00 PM »
i found it!!!

Leviticus 18:22- you shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination

Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #69 on: May 11, 2004, 07:45:11 PM »
What can be termed as factual?

The only book that has actually said "This is what to believe" is the Bible.
It's based off a lot of experience of people that lived before us, that learned the hard way what can go wrong.

There is no such thing as a totally neutral non biased source. Even though at glance something may appear neutral, upon closer examination you can tell that it's swayed one way or another.

It is not humanly possible to be completely neutral. You have to stand for something.

And if someone doesn't like the way someone else thinks (ie. gay marriage) they have every right to have that belief. No they can't go out and kill them cuz they dont like them, but they can think a certain way.

Offline Sammyk

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« Reply #70 on: May 11, 2004, 08:42:07 PM »
who said anything about being neutral


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« Reply #71 on: May 11, 2004, 10:37:32 PM »
Same thing can happen with homosexuality, for example people and other influences (like media, those "Tolerance" groups, being forced to be around people of the same sex all the time, etc) can persuade a person to become homosexual.

This is the main cause of homosexuality, dispite what others may think.

and Phantom, the bible isn't a source, because it can be interpreted many ways. An ideal society would have done away with it and started doing some research to get completely factual accountings.

Well, except for the fact that there are 2 billion christians in the world, it would be kind of hard to get rid of.
Do you have a PhD? If not, then who are you to say if it is not a source or not? That is your opinion and not a fact.

Offline Kramy

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« Reply #72 on: May 11, 2004, 10:43:04 PM »
Nazi's were wonderful people and that they were the "master race"; that all Jews should be killed and that they were called to eliminate Jews. People did believe this.
Some believed that. Others just wanted to protect their families. If you go against someone that powerful, you...or your family...dies.

k, im not fighting anymore

im out of this 'debate' someppl are gonna loose a lot of friends over this one.
Then more posts. :D

Ahh, how to say this. :P Although this doesn't really have anything to do with this debate, I find that many people that base their oppinions on what they learned from "a book" closed minded.

Who needs a book really? Often "right" is extremely easy to figure out. The guilt would kill you though, in some situations.

Then again, according to everyone I know "right" isn't obvious at all in many situations. Most of those people are relgious for some reason.

That makes me think that people that can't figure it out themselves often rely on another source, such as the Bible, to make decisions for them. This forces me to conclude that Religion is a neccesity for the betterment of the world, even though it trains closed-minded individuals, because it isn't bad(usually) to use age-old wisdom.

Offline Kramy

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« Reply #73 on: May 11, 2004, 10:47:47 PM »
Do you have a PhD? If not, then who are you to say if it is not a source or not? That is your opinion and not a fact.

And it's your oppinion that it is a source. :P But since neither of you are "without a doubt right", the Bible is neither a source nor not a source. Lol  :lol:  


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« Reply #74 on: May 11, 2004, 10:51:02 PM »
If it's worked for 6000+ years, then it can still work today.

And it's your oppinion that it is a source.  But since neither of you are "without a doubt right", the Bible is neither a source nor not a source. Lol

Basically only those who believe it is true can consider it a source since it has been governing people for thousands of years.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2004, 10:51:51 PM by Phantom »