Author Topic: Outpost 2 OPU mod 1.4.x source code  (Read 3696 times)

Offline Arklon

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Outpost 2 OPU mod 1.4.x source code
« on: February 13, 2021, 07:46:41 PM »
Source code for Outpost 2 OPU mod version 1.4.x is now available!

New repositories have been added on our GitHub:
  • OPUPatch - Contains the OPU mod Outpost 2 code patches, implementing new features and bugfixes
  • TethysAPI - New Outpost 2 mission/mod SDK with a more modern interface, and with direct access to non-exported internals
  • OPULoaderShim - Injects op2ext into Outpost 2
  • OPULauncher - Convenience launcher for Outpost 2 that activates the OPU mod, and checks for updates

Additionally, op2ext 3.1.0 is published in its own branch, pending pull request to master.

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Outpost 2 OPU mod 1.4.x source code
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2021, 04:47:25 PM »

Thank you for posting. Is there a public project you could provide a link to that consumes the new TethysAPI that would make a decent example of how to link to and use it?


Offline Arklon

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Re: Outpost 2 OPU mod 1.4.x source code
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2021, 05:28:42 PM »
I'll get around to making a new mission template and example for TethysAPI soon. Obviously OPUPatch uses it extensively, but that's not going to be a good reference for coding missions. I did start adding Doxygen comments, mostly under the API folder, but I honestly haven't tried actually using Doxygen to generate docs from it yet.

The beauty of TethysAPI being header-only is you don't need to link any libs or anything at all. It's easier to integrate than the old SDK, just drop it in a folder called Tethys.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 06:53:31 PM by Arklon »