where ground floor level only really contains shops, with all the housing on higher levels.
Yeah, I think once I thought about how the living quarters might actually be, it dawned on me to simply lift the building up. It makes sense from a space stand point, and I think that makes it fit in a lot better too.
Also, nice job on the rotation.

Really liking G for color, and I for one like the larger common area.
I agree. That's why I originally had the space a lot bigger. Though, with Leeor's feedback, I realized that he was right about it being on the large side for a starting tier. I think I also agree with Leeor's statement about it being a good upgrade for the higher tier buildings. That will give it a good thematic element to carry forward but still provide distinction as the common area becomes larger and more elaborate.
Is the UG Factory brown or green? They look the same to me...
The main "arms" are a greenish looking color. In actuality, they're a blue-gray. However, I believe this particular graphic had some fiddling with the saturation back when I was trying to make the colors pop more, which has given the arms the greenish look. The base and top button on the tower are orange (which might look a little brown).
I believe the nursery underwent similar fiddling, so the colors are off from the rest of the theme.
After seeing these recent version in-game, I think I'm a fan of the blue one. It looks like it fits better with the hospital, nursery, and park. More people-friendly, unlike the more greenish industries.