Do we need both a blank level template project, and one with comments? Perhaps we can or should remove one.
I liked having a blank template that wasn't littered with comments that I didn't need. Though perhaps levels based on a blank template would then be less useful for other people to learn from or adapt.
For people who hate excessive comments, it's not so hard to just delete comments after forking.
We could perhaps have the commented and non-commented versions as separate branches in the same repository. I'm not a fan of this solution though, as when you fork, you'd fork both branches, and I wouldn't want to encourage having extra stray branches around, which will inevitably become stale.
We could expand on the comments to make it more of a tutorial, though perhaps that's best as a separate tutorial level project.
I'm thinking we should get rid of the template without comments, and rename the other to simply LevelTemplate. Would love to see people's comments on the matter