Okay, 25 years.
I understand what you are saying, but it isn't quite that simple. How for me to elaborate...
If a person has spent enough time with something, they have a whole lot more "memories/experiences/knowledge/etc" to draw on with their brain's heuristic algorithms to figure out a way around a problem. The more times you use heuristics, the stronger that portion of your brain will be, allowing you to get around more complex problems. If you have very little knowledge on a subject, it is nearly impossible to figure out a solution, using straight heuristics, as the brain lacks sufficient data to create a guess or even an assumption to help the person get around the problem.
So, in relation to this, you may know little about fonts yourself, but your years of experience gives you the ability to figure out heuristically what you might need to get around the issue. I lack those years of experience, and I lack the experience with fonts and thus I find myself getting stuck and requiring more info.
Discovery is great when you can discover it on your own, but until one has strengthened their internal heuristics, spoon feeding is often necessary to get a point across. Having complete answers CAN be a disservice; not knowing any way of creating a main event loop or even how to proceed and then given one is not a disservice. However, once you do know how to create a simple main event loop, it would be a disservice giving them the answers for optimizing the main event loop or eliminating possible memory leaks; learning how to do that is an important aspect of coding.
A person needs a foundation to build anything from; once that foundation is present, then it would be a disservice to just give them a full featured house, but until that person has a foundation, they need to be spoonfed to get them to the point of having a solid foundation. That is why people often ask for help online or do tutorials; they need that foundation before they can move forward and make something beautiful.
Or think of it this way: If you were 12 years old again (as I have about 2 years worth of programming experience), and someone gave you a true type font and told you you could use it as a png file, despite it being a ttf, would you be able to say that you could figure out that you'd need a font generator to solve that problem, despite never touching fonts up to that point (assuming of course there was a search engine available and a font generator out there)?