One thing on my mind is the idea of using string and vector rather than char* and array. That could lead to some interface changes. I suspect the impact on your code would be minimal, since you're already using string and vector. Just remove the conversions before the calls.
I also had thoughts of reworking the class hierarchy to remove multiple inheritance. Perhaps make some methods static. It seems you've been working around problems related to that, so it could simplify some of your code. I'm not really looking at this idea yet though.
Switching to std::string and or vector would be an easy fix on my side. Adding static create functions could simply my CREATE, ADD, and REMOVE commands by not requiring an initial .VOL and .CLM template file, which would be nice.
However, I've found the archive code pretty stable and easy to work with, so I'm fairly happy if it just ends up becoming platform agnostic without the rest.
I'll take a look at command->Execute() in the near future.
You are correct about mapping the COMMAND into an enum. This is done in ConsoleArgumentParser.h/.cpp. It is supposed to take the char** command line input and put it into an easier to understand structure (ConsoleArgs). Since ConsoleArgs is used by all the available commands, there is still some messiness associated outside of ConsoleArgumentParser. For example, how the member variable paths is used will depend on which COMMAND is being used. In CREATE, only the first path should by a .vol/.clm where in EXTRACT several .vol/.clm paths could be provided. Also, some optional arguments do not apply to all possible commands. Like -Q / --Quiet and -O / --Overwrite doesn't do anything for the LIST command.
I could pass more customized structures out of ConsoleArgumentParser that exactly lined up with each command, but this would force me to have multiple custom structures instead of using one general structure. The generalized structure seems to be generally working fine for now, but I wonder if it might be a little clearer to make the specialized structures (sorry for the bad pun).
I could not encapsulate ConsoleArgumentParser.h/.cpp into a class. I'm using the #include <functional> to allocate a delegate function based on which command argument is being parsed. When I pushed the code into a class, it seemed to always break the struct containing the functional delegate. (I call them delegates in C#, I don't think they are 100% the same in C++ though). Anyways, I just encapsulated ConsoleArgumentParser.h/.cpp in a namespace instead and everything is working. This is something I'd like to return to and clean up at some point though.
I finished a working draft of the ADD command. While dealing with some memory management in the ADD command class, the purpose of the RAII paradigm suddenly clicked. Basically, I needed to ensure that 2 objects were destroyed whether an exception is thrown or not. So I abstracted out their destruction into a separate function. Then I placed the function call cleanup() in the catch block and re-throw the exception and place the function call at the end of the task for when no exception occurred.
Then it occurred to me that I should probably be destroying the object in the class's destructor and not be adding all the random cleanup() function calls. Unfortunately I designed the class to not have any class level member variables, so RAII doesn't really work yet. But it might make sense to move the pointers to class level variables to leverage RAII. I'll have to consider the design implications.
Hopefully that makes some sense. If not, I'm still learning and probably am not explaining things very well.
