Besides fixing up the LIST command as indicated in the last post, I spent some time reviewing the Archives source code and creating more clm and vol files.
I committed changes to the repository. Below is the overview of changes.
OP2Archive: * Implemented the CREATE command.
* Fixed bug with ClmFile that did not allow over writing an existing CLM file.
* Allowed VolFile to create empty Vol Files.
* Added error checking to ClmFile and VolFile that stop file creation if NULL pointers provided to filenames.
* Fixed Archive LIST command to show file sizes right aligned and in bytes.
I think there is sort of a crossroads here on where I continue work. I can either spend time refactoring the archive code or leave the archive code alone and have some funny peculiarities in the OP2Archive console application.
Currently, the archive library code requires loading an existing vol or clm file into memory before being allowed to create a new file. To instantiate either a ClmFile class or VolFile class, you must provide the filename of the Vol or Clm file to load. Additionally, both classes reference memory locations to pull information out of the archive. (Sorry, if I'm not explaining the well.) Basically, when Hooman and I made up the OP2 Map Structure, we wrote up a structure that is then filled up with data when the stream is loaded. In the ClmFile and VolFile case, the code references the memory location in the raw loaded data, and sometimes also records important data to actual variables.
My first thought was to create a constructor taking no input parameters that represented an empty file. Then I could write a static function that creates the archive using the parameterless constructor. But, because the full contents of the archive are not contained in a structure, I cannot just go in and set reasonable default values without doing what looks to me like a very major overhaul of the archive code. To complicate this, I'm not familiar with the design of audio files, and I would want to bone up on this subject before really overhauling the ClmFile class anyways.
Currently, I don't really plan on spending enough time on this project to do a major overhaul of the archive library code and write a decent console application to use it. Someone with a better understanding of the Windows specific file handles and Windows specific audio file code could probably do it faster than me?
Anyways, after all that info, the archive library code works fine, just not how I was expecting to use it. I have noticed a couple of small bugs, but nothing that was not easy to patch with one line of code change here or there.
So, using the current archive library code means that OP2Archive will require a vol archive and clm archive template file in order to construct new archives. Since I can create an empty vol archive, this will be about 2kb I think. The problem is that a clm file will not save in good form without at least one audio file included to pull the proper audio meta-data out of. The smallest audio file included in OP2 is about 9 megabytes. OP2 also has some weird rules on how to properly format an audio file. See If I can figure out how to create a short 1 second clip that is well formed, I will do this, but I may just leave it at 9 megabytes for now.
Also, I verified that there is no plumbing in VolFile for creating a compressed archive. I didn't continue digging into the LZH code to see if it would support the operation. I think if we are content keeping all the files uncompressed in the archives, there probably isn't a lot of reason to dig down this rabbit hole. I was pretty curious how much hard drive space we could save by compressing it all. I'll plan to take the compression argument out of the usage statement.
To recap: I'm planning on finishing OP2Archive in a way that requires a template of each archive in order to create a new file. If we get around to reformatting the archive library code, it will be easy to go back through the OP2Archive application code and change how the archive files are creating.
List of things to consider in improving Archive library code sort of in order of importance in my eyes * Remove Windows Specific file manipulation code (windows.h).
* Remove Windows Specific audio file code from ClmFile class (windows.h).
* Create a way to make a default, empty vol and clm file with a parameterless constructor.
* Add static Create functions to both ClmFile and VolFile.
* Consider switching fileName to filename (or change all the filename in my code to read FileName

* Consider switching from char* to std::string.
Thanks for everyone's help so far on this project!