Wanted to keep everybody in the loop and make it known that OutpostHD continues to be worked on!
What's the Status?In development.

In all seriousness, I took a break for awhile from
OutpostHD so I could work on
another project. But most of my work is done on it... and I'm kind of sick of C and it's annoying limitations.
Beyond my work
Goof has been pushing forward on the Research GUI and implementation details.
Hooman and
lhark have helped get NAS2D building and running properly on Linux and as a side effect OutpostHD now also runs on Linux (woot!).
Current Changesv0.7.1 will include a lot of changes across the board. It's weird how it's only an incremental change but so much has been accomplished. See the
Roadmap on Redmine for details.
Sneak PeekGoof's got a lot of awesome stuff working under the hood. I don't now how visible it will be in the 0.7.1 release as research implementation is slated for 0.8.0 but I won't complain if we're a bit ahead of schedule! Check it out!