In regards to being replaced for extended periods of low morale, you should totally include an image of Donald Trump telling the player "You're fired".
Hahhhhh... I like it!
Does the game have any victory condition? That's technically game over.
Good point. In this case I'm thinking strictly in terms of losing. I imagined this as a 'software toy' much like SimCity where it just keeps going. Then again, mines are a limited resource so going on forever is impossible.
The colony might be lost if there are not enough minerals/resources to support making it to an end game condition like spacecraft launch. This is kind of tough to track though, since the colony could use the recycling centers, or already have enough buildings and momentum to complete an end game objective like terraforming even after mines are exhausted. Also tough to track if they can reclaim old buildings in a pinch.
Good point also, although in these cases after all mines are exhausted and all resources consumed, the colony's structures would begin to shut down leading to colony collapse leading to death of the human population.
Demolishing buildings returns 90% of the resources used to construct the structure so this is also a possibility.
I don't think I would. I think they're stuff with YOU as a player until the end. That said, I would think that periods of low morale would cause riots and require police activities. If you don't have the requirements in place to keep it under control, they will destroy buildings and possibly make the problem much worse. Thus making population loss a thing.
Hmm. I like this, never thought of that. Still though, I've played a few games where if you demonstrate your inept and the population doesn't like you, they replace you with someone else (e.g., Tropico 5).
I like the rioting idea. Would make the police structures more effective than they were in the original game and would also mean that lawbots would also be much more useful.
I don't think you need another way to get a game over; you can't really lose harder than the human race dying out because of your own ineptitude.
Fair point.
(tangentially related to this, I would like to propose the ability to construct smaller-scale spacecraft to colonize and trade with the other planets in your star system, but that is of course at your discretion).
I had considered this as well but it would be an incremental build after the initial version is considered 'finished', bugs squashed and some code refactoring has gone on. Can toss that in with additional planet type and multiplayer as well but again, all future developments, something I'd want to work on after the core game is finished.
I can think of worse things that merely having the human race die out... like a group of merciless reavers (firefly reavers) that instead of killing you, leave you alive after they've skinned you alive and raped you. Or being turned into Borg. Also, isn't post-humanism, usually another way of killing the human race off? (by post-humanism I'm assuming like transcedance to pure energy beings or giving all people a purely robotic body free of the bounds of fleshy existence)
Going to stick with a basis in reality. As fun as these may be I don't think they really fit into world of Outpost. Borg kind of could with nano technology (nano bots moving around inside of human bodies to keep them healthy? Sounds like the beginning of a borg assimilation technology).
What about these extra victory conditions?
- Making a brand new colony on the same planet (Expansion Victory)
- Creating a permanent utopian existence (Social Victory)
- Creating a borehole (Mining Victory)
When I first started developing the game I thought to myself "Eh, forget about multiple colonies". As I've gotten further into development, multiple colonies seems like a great idea. As much as the code is centered around a single colony, adding extras shouldn't be too hard though it would require some refactoring and extra support code. I'll leave this as an 'expansion' idea.
Utopian victory is interesting but I'm not sure how one would achieve this... highest morale for an extended period? Specific research requirements met? No crime? Combination of all of this?
Can you elaborate more on the borehole? I'm not sure what you mean here.