The way concussion and direct damage work as I see it in most games, is that the direct damage is when a weapon hits the target, and concussion is the blast effect from weapon hitting a something, ether the target or something nearby.
Thus a target can take damage from both, first the direct hit then the concussion to the surrounding area.
But one thing to remmeber is that the heavier the armour the less the effect of the concussion damage.
I'd quess that Outpost 2 would use something simular.
population is subject to food, living room, power, med., number of available works/scienists, which controls the moral level. Food, moral, disasters, power, etc..., controls the number of population and the number of new births & deaths.
As to the exact workings I'm not 100% sure!
these are my thoughts and you may not agree, but that's your right!