I confirmed when playing Eden or Plymouth colony games, Focused Microwave Projection and Large Scale Optical Resonators do not require any pre-requisites. The tech overviews are incorrect in this case and should probably be adjusted.
Thank you for pointing out the mistake in the Wiki concerning missing Rail Gun technology. I fixed the wiki a few minutes ago by adding Directional Magnetic Fields. It does require the Advanced lab. Below is the full info.
IN_TECH "Directional Magnetic Fields" 05506
DESCRIPTION "The Rail Gun weapon is now available. _______________________________________ The Rail Gun turret uses an electric current to accelerate a projectile to velocities of several hundred meters per second. The weapon consists of two copper rails and the R-10 cool-fusion power cell, which charges a capacitor. The capacitor is discharged into one rail and the current flows through the projectile into the second rail, producing a directional magnetic field that accelerates the projectile."
TEASER "Makes the Rail Gun weapon available. _______________________________________ Some of our researchers, reviewing the military database brought from Earth, have found an abstract of a proposal for a weapon that uses a directional magnetic field to propel a projectile. Although plans for the weapon were lost, we believe we can recreate such a device."
Lava walls are a bit complicated. They are not available to Eden in Campaign mode which uses the edentek.txt text tree. However, they are available to Eden in scenarios that use the multitek.txt version of the tech tree, which includes most multiplayer levels and the colony games. I just added a note to lava walls and microbe walls on the wiki site to reflect this.
Keep in mind that each scenario can have a custom tech tree, so it is difficult to nail down an exact answer for all scenarios.
Nice work so far on the chart.