Here's something else I just thought of
So every once and awhile I'll see things about redundancy, like "we are going to do two of the exact same thing so if one fails there is still a chance of success"
Lets say Earth had the resources to send up two or more ships, North America, Europe and Russia. Three different ships. Follow? Good. (Fine, it could also be China or Japan, racing stripes with a big Type R sticker on the side of the ship. There, happy?)
Logically the major powers of Earth are still going to communicate with each other up until the time of launch or, right until the Asteroid strikes. Things like "hey what ya buildin, where ya goin?" So the where ya goin kinda of comes down to most recent long term deep space research, giving that only one or two maybe in reach, the closest system with largest chance of success is going to be the destination of choice, ergo all three nations fly there. But, different ships, different speeds, say one arrives first, the second breaks down, and the third arrives later.
And now that I've gotten this far in the post I am not really sure where I was going... gimme a minute.
Right, so say the first ship, the Conestoga figured out where they were supposed to go and were not too far off the mark, or the system they are in had a few planets and they just landed on the wrong one. Here's where it gets interesting, maybe not enough for another full game, but this would have made for a decent expansion pack to Outpost2.
The third ship lands on an adjacent planet orbiting the New Terra sun, the Eden ship finds it, makes its way over and lands. Old ship meets new ship yada yada yada New Terra breaks apart and pieces fly towards this planet and one lands on the new planet spreading the blight. Both colonies now have to work together to get the hell out of the solar system.
Good? Good. Lets start coding a game. By which I mean you people. ... I can't code. all