So the hardware change / new OS install didn't work well? Or do you just need the machine for something else?
It hasn't gone as smoothly as I'd hoped. I need a new machine up and running, which I'd already been delaying for far too long, and I can't run both systems due to availability of space, power, and noise concerns.
I was hoping it'd be a simple matter of recompiling the game server on the new machine. I couldn't just copy the game server over, as it wasn't recognized as a valid binary on the new system, probably due to 32/64-bit architecture difference, and perhaps different versions of system libraries too. I tried recompiling, which required a few source code changes to account for updated language standards/compilers, and it produced a file which runs, but the game is unable to connect. I've configured firewall rules, and just doubled checked that to ensure it was the right port and protocol, but still no go. I'm wondering if the 64-bit compile might have caused some of the structs describing the network packets to expand, which would likely cause packets to be dropped as invalid. I don't really have the time to investigate at the moment.
I also still need to make a few tweaks to the new system which will likely require a few more restarts and such. As this will all be disruptive, I figure it's probably best to switch to the OPU copy of the game server. This is something I had wanted to transition to, but not quite like this. I had hoped to minimize disruption by performing the switch-over with the release of a new game package with updated server info.
A new package should be put together. I don't have time for anything substantial right now. I had already committed the game server address change a long while back ... to SVN, which is now offline. I might have committed some fairly minor NetFix updates. I was hoping for a more substantial release, but perhaps what's currently there can just be rolled into a new package. I don't think the game version number has been updated, but that probably doesn't matter as there were no compatibility changes to the game. It might be confusing to release a package where the game version number doesn't match the package name though. Also, there was mention of the menu music, which I should probably start a poll about.
I can probably get the SVN server back up on the new machine. It might have been nice to move that somewhere with a faster internet connection though. I spoke to gpgarrettboast, who I believe is running the SVN server on the OPU machine. There was mention of merging the repositories, but currently no clear plan is in place. This is something I'd like to deal with when I'm a little less sleep deprived.