- Command Center
- Tokamaks
- Solar Power Arrays
- Laboratories
- Agridomes
- Tubes
- Monorail
- Roads
- Hot Quarters (was that the name?)
- Robot Command Centers
- Factory
- Light Factory
- Communication Towers?
- Warehouses
- Residences
- Universities
- Police centers
- Medical Centers
- Common and Rare Ore smelters, storages
- Forums/Recreation facilities
- Nurseries
Here’s a stub of what structures we’d need, as you requested. Of course, there’d be plenty more, but it should be enough for… a long time.
Most of them should have several models/sprites, as variations will be included in the game, as was the case in OP1 (and sometimes in OP2). For example, in OP1, residences could be upgraded several times and each time, another sprite was used for the new buildings. Also, if we want to later add advanced residences or reinforced residences to be built on the surface or on several tiles, well, those would be variations of the residence. :3
I’m not sure if I’m very clear, but a single sprite for all of those would be enough for some time anyway.

Also, I might have forgotten stuff from that list. A few things like the meteor defense were removed on purpose (what would we need counter-meteor death-rays for? To destroy the image of the game?

), but all may not. :3