Author Topic: List Of Small Changes (for A Simple Patch)  (Read 2640 times)

Offline lordpalandus

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List Of Small Changes (for A Simple Patch)
« on: October 04, 2012, 06:30:39 PM »
As I can't launch Outpost 2 on my machine (Win7 64bit; tried earlier today would not launch), I personally can't make any of these changes to the game. But Spikerocks suggested making a list, so a list I shall make. Without further ado, the list:


-> Capacity set to 35
-> Research set to 50

Advanced Residence (EDEN):
-> Capacity set to 100

Reinforced Residence (Plymouth):
-> Capacity set to 75
-> Armor Increased by 1 (Afterall its designed to weather earthquakes better than other structures, as stated in the research description)
-> Increase HP to 1500

Storage (C/R):
-> Remove worker requirement of 1 and set to 0 (afterall it only stores metal and doesn't do anything else with it)

-> Remove scientist requirement of 1 and replace with an additional worker.
-> ie 2 Workers instead of 1.

-> Increase maximum building protection to 25%
-> Increase required workers per building by 1 (So Req: 3 Worker/1 Scientist)
-> Research = Increase required workers by 1 and increase maximum building protection to 33% (So Req: 4 Worker/1 Scientist)

Concrete Walls
-> Increase common metal cost to 100 per wall
-> Increase wall hp to 1000 hp

Guard Posts:
-> Increase Common Metal cost by 200
-> Increase HP to 1000

Vehicle Factory:
-> Reduced workers required from 3 to 2
-> Increase power requirements from 30 to 100
-> Increase build speed from 128 to 115
-> Research: Increase build from 115 to 85 (Original = 128 to 96)

-> Reduce workers required from 2 to 1
-> Increase power requirements from 50 to 75
-> Research: Decrease power requirements from 75 to 50

Light Tower:
-> Increase double sight range (Believe is 9, so make it 18)
-> Increase power requirements from 10 to 30


->Change "Death of ENEMYGOOD" from -600 to -100
->Change "Low Capacity of MedCenter, Recreational Facility, Forum, DIRT and Residence" to +3 morale (up from +1; give a bonus to those who keep the capacities of those low)

-> Increase Armor by 1 and build cost by 150 common for:
Cargo Trucks, ConVec and Repair Vehicle
-> Increase Armor by 2 and build cost by 250 common for:
EarthWorker, Robo Dozer, Robo Miner, and Surveyor
-> Increase Sight Range by 1 and build cost by 50 common:
Tiger, Panther, and ConVec
-> Increase Sight Range by 2 and build cost by 100 common:
Lynx, and Surveyor
-> Increase Sight Range by 5 and build cost by 200 common:

If I think of more I'll post; Second post will be reserved for changes!

Currently working on Cataclysm of Chaos, Remade.
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Offline lordpalandus

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List Of Small Changes (for A Simple Patch)
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2012, 06:31:03 PM »
Post Reserved for Changes Made
Currently working on Cataclysm of Chaos, Remade.
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Offline Hidiot

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List Of Small Changes (for A Simple Patch)
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2012, 07:29:01 PM »
My answer is no.

First, a note on sight range, related to your light tower idea. The light tower is already at the max sight range it can be before it gets buggy.

Building storage values (residences, metals storage) are set to the values they are set to due to story-reasons. The story is that the population never really goes too far above 200, and they don't need to store hundreds of thousands of units of ore, ever.

Removing the worker requirement of the storage structures does make some sense, but I'd say leave the worker there, since storage structures are low-priority anyway. You'll really only be making them for fun, once your colony is already big, and they provide a decent worker sink for that.

Technology is not THAT advanced, that one of the most crucial parts of the colony, colonist birth, will be left at the hands of plain workers.

The point of DIRTs is that they can only do so much. They are an emergency crew, not superheroes.

The morale penalty is that big due to story. The colonists are outright against murder, what with them counting less than 500 people between both colonies. It's -600 because it's meant to have a lasting effect on the overall morale.

As for the morale bonuses for low capacity status? Think psychology. The colonists are living in a very tense situation, where every good thing is a minor comfort and every lacking is a cause of concern. Not to mention that it defeats the purpose of Normal (Eden) and Hard (both) difficulties, where your morale will not stabilize at 100.

As for all other cost / stat modifications... Ask yourself why would those make sense. Because they don't for me. And I suddenly got too lazy to go into detail about each and every one of them.

Closing notes: While this is just my opinion, this list of changes is rather poor for a community patch. Whatever you do with your own game is completely up to you, though. All these changes are possible with tech file editing, all you require is notepad and some time.
"Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"

Offline lordpalandus

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List Of Small Changes (for A Simple Patch)
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2012, 08:01:02 PM »
K, gotcha, I understand completely.

No point in sticking around here.

Have a good one guys.
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Offline Spikerocks101

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List Of Small Changes (for A Simple Patch)
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2012, 09:18:33 PM »
Well, um, alot of the changes listed aren't quite needed. Thou, I must say, the way such variables are handled in the story aren't quite the same as how they will be handled in the multiplayer. I do agree thou,
storage shouldn't require workers. It doesn't quite make sense, since even today, we don't have a direct person to monitor a storage, but instead we use computers and sensors to monitor them, and usually the job of monitoring the computers relies in a bigger office (like the Command Center). On top of that, game play wise, having storage require no workers doesn't effect the storyline. Other then that, most of the changes seem a bit strange to me. I like things costing alot and giving little benefit. Why? Because it makes the game harder, and makes micromanaging more needed. Thou, I do think that having more technologies that add similar stuff as you have mentioned would be good. Who knows, maybe if Eden did stay for many years before the blight incedent, they might have advanced enough for Vehicle Factories to construct vehicles at 500% faster rate, the story doesn't quite conflict with something that never happened yet.

As for changes I would personally want, I made some posts about this before, be here they are:
Storages use no workers
Scorpions to be useful
Panthers to fill the role of a main battle tank
Solar power to be useful
*there was others, but I forget them*

Non the less, it is not the worst idea to make a patch, just make sure ideas are there to improve the already existing game, not just to make things "cooler".

Offline Hooman

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List Of Small Changes (for A Simple Patch)
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2012, 12:37:38 AM »
I agree with making the storage silos take no workers. I've long thought those needing workers was a bit silly.

The sight range increase doesn't sound feasible. I don't think I ever looked into it, but I remember hearing things got buggy when the sight range was too great.

The morale change I disagree with, provided you want to maintain the story and feel to the game. I feel that penalty is there for a good reason given the storyline and situation of the last survivors of Earth. It might make sense for a combat centered mission that basically ignores the storyline though. People often enjoy complete annihilation of their opponents in other RTS style games, so lifting that restriction for certain select levels or game modes might make for an interesting alternative.

Offline lordpalandus

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List Of Small Changes (for A Simple Patch)
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2012, 11:50:52 AM »
Ok, ok.

So a better question is:

What do the programmers here WANT to do for a patch? If the Sheets.Vol changes are unacceptable, fine. If the Polled Patch ideas are unacceptable, fine. So my question is, as I've tried to promote some discussion and failed miserably, is: What do the guys with the knowledge actually want to change, and have THEM post want they want to do for the rest of the community to agree/disagree on... eh?

Currently working on Cataclysm of Chaos, Remade.
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