
Is Taiwan part of China?

5 (55.6%)
Probably Not
3 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Author Topic: General Knowledge Question  (Read 26360 times)

Offline Hooman

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General Knowledge Question
« on: September 09, 2012, 07:29:19 AM »

I want to get an idea of people's general awareness of a likely remote geographic region. I don't care what you can lookup and parrot back to me. I just want to know what sense you have when given this question. Gut feeling. You can always look it up AFTER you've answered.

I would also be interested in replies detailing any pieces of knowledge that come to mind when given this question, even if you're not sure of their relevance. Preferably before looking up the answer. If you do look up the answer, try to split what you knew before hand from what you've just discovered.

Just, don't read any replies before you answer. OK? :)

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Offline Highlander

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General Knowledge Question
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2012, 08:12:51 AM »
My take on the whole thing - without updating my knowledge or reading anything about the issue.
(Probably will afterwards :P )

I think China (Communist China as we know it today) views Taiwan as part of it's territory - which should place Taiwan somewhere outside the coast of China, I think somewhere in the south-east of China.

In Norway I think I've seen that Chinese government refers to the "separatist government" on Taiwan. So my guess would be the following:

Taiwan was a part of the old China before Mao came along. Fighting ensues between Mao and whoever rules China at the time -> Mao wins and Government flees to Taiwan. Probably with the help of U.S Taiwan government survives.  (I think Taiwan is fairly industrialized and have quite big a population, 50-100mill ?)

Current China continues to refer to Tainwan as their territory, but U.S probably keep some interests in Taiwan or bases on the island, which is why China hasn't invaded yet. Taiwan probably doesn't share the mainland China's wish unite the two countries.

Lots of toys are "Made in Taiwan".

Anyways, off to wiki :P
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Offline TH300

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General Knowledge Question
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 11:25:31 AM »
Probably depends on who you ask...

Afair, China claims that Taiwan is part of China, but Taiwan claims, its independent. I don't know what the UN say.

Offline Spikerocks101

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General Knowledge Question
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 11:32:31 AM »
With my limited knowledge, I say yes, Taiwan is part of China, BUT China doesn't directly mean Communist China. If I recall correctly, Taiwan is (or at least was) called the Republic of China (ROC) or something along those lines, while Communist China is referred to as the People's Republic of China (PRC). ROC occupied most of the China area for a number of years, till the civil war, but then the ROC government lost all its land based area. But what is China? China is an area of eastern Asia, and some areas are "Chinas" like Indochina (Siam/Thailand/Vietnam/Laos.. ect.), and some Areas which are claimed by PRC are not Chinese (I can't name exactly, but I beleive Tibet is not ethnic Chinese, and I think there are some Turkish areas in far west PRC). I think it is wrong to assume PRC is China, because it is only one of the countries in that area, so I think Taiwan is part of China.

-Googled form this point-
Taiwan is still known as ROC, and PRC is the name for Communist china. I was wrong about Indochina, seems it is a mix of the words "India" and "China". It was named simply to describe the area between the 2 regions, so the people their are not part of India or China. Xinjiang, and specificity Second East Turkestan Republic, are not really Chinese. They are eastern provinces (quoted as "Autonomous regions") and should not be really considered China.  

Offline Hidiot

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General Knowledge Question
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2012, 10:30:26 AM »
Is having a Taiwanese friend who has recently explained Taiwan's status to me considered cheating?
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Offline CK9

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General Knowledge Question
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2012, 07:20:24 PM »
Hard to say...it is in the sense that it is part of Chinese region, but it is a seperate government from what many people consider to be China...so...probably not?
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