Hi there, I am working on an Outpost game for the
Spring engine.

Currently just using some '5 minute' models, since at this point the underlying code is more important than the visuals.
Got the system for placing buildings all sorted out, now it's time for resources! And I have struck a problem, for the life of me I cannot figure out where PrecA/B comes from. The manual mentions that it is part of the 'mineral' group. Testing on Sigma Draconis IV with a level 1 mine I worked out that 3 units of OreMinA, 2 units of OreMinB and 2 units of OreMinC are produced per turn. Then that gets sent to the smelter, and is turned into (according to the manual

) 3 units of MinA, 2 units of MinB and 2 units of MinC. The ratio of Precious Metals:Minerals extracted from the ore is left unexplained.
So unless I can come up with some better system I'm probably just going to make it so that from each turns worth of production of mineral ore (7 units) you recieve 5 units of refined minerals (retaining the same proportions as if it was refined at 1:1) and 2 units of precious metals (1 of each)
If anyone has one of the strategy guides, and can shed some light on how the heck it is worked out it would be great! Any light that could be shed on the inner workings of morale, birthrate and deathrate would be very useful in future too