Author Topic: Early Game Help (build Orders)  (Read 13165 times)

Offline HegemonKhan

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« on: February 23, 2013, 11:25:13 PM »
HK's Build Order Version: 2.0

Here's what I do now:

Game: Outpost 1
Version: 1.51 MAC


Your Name: Redacted
A.I. Name: Redacted
Difficulty: Easy
Trucking: Manual

Star Probes:

> Alpha Centauri A
> Bernard's Star
> Sigma Draconis
> Wolf 359

Ship Configuration:

> 04 Colonists
> 20 Food
> 02 Life Support
> 04 Colonist Lander
> 04 Cargo Lander
> 02 Seed Factory
> 01 Tokamak Reactor
> 00 Solar Satellite
> 00 Solar Receiver Array
> 01 Geological Probe
> 01 Weather Satellite
> 01 Intersteller Probe
> 01 Communications Satellite
> 01 Orbital Observer
> 01 ULBI Probe

> 00 Remaining Weight
> 03 Remaining Funds

Star Choice: Sigma Draconis
Planet Choice: 4th Planet ("Mars")
Site Choice: 1*

> *Not sure which site it is, have to check on this

Build Order:

000 Turn:

> Name Planet: Redacted
> Name Site_1: Redacted
> Name Colony_1: Redacted
> Seed_Lander_1 Available
> In the West Edge of the Site Map, Place Seed_Lander_1 at 2 Spaces NW of the Mine_Location (ML_1) that is furthest to the South

001 Turn:

> Seed_Lander_1 Completion
> Robo_Miner_1 Available
> Robo_Digger_1 Available
> Robo_Dozer_1 Available
> Use Robo_Miner_1 on ML_1 (the ML that is 2 Spaces SE of your Seed_Smelter_1)
> Use Robo_Digger_1 at 1 Space E of the Seed_Tube_E
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 1 Space S of the Seed_Tube_S

002 Turn:

> Seed_Tube_N Completion
> Seed_Tube_S Completion
> Seed_Tube_W Completion
> Seed_Tube_E Completion
> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 1 Space N of the Seed_Tube_N

003 Turn:

> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 1 Space W of the Seed_Tube_W

004 Turn:

> Seed_Power_1 Completion
> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 2 Spaces W of the Seed_Tube_W

005 Turn:

> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 3 Spaces W of the Seed_Tube_W

006 Turn:

> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 2 Spaces W of the Seed_Power_1

007 Turn:

> Seed_Smelter_1 Completion
> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 2 Spaces W of the Seed_Factory_1

008 Turn:

> Robo_Miner_1 Completion
> Robo_Digger_1 Completion
> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Surface_Air_Shaft_1 (Lvl_0 = Surface = Sf, so it's Sf_AS_1) (Lv_0_AS_1) (0 Turns Left To Completion)
> Underground_Air_Shaft_1 (Lvl_1 = Underground_1, so it's UG_1) (Lv_1_AS_1) (0 Turns Left To Completion)
> Lv_1_ML_1 (0 Turns Left To Completion)
> Use Robo_Miner_1 on the Lv_1_ML_1
> Use Robo_Digger_1 on the Lv_1_AS_1
> Use Robo_dozer_1 at 1 Space N of the Lv_1_AS_1

009 Turn:

> Seed_Factory_1 Completion
> Lv_0_AS_1 Completion
> Select a Robo_Dozer_2 at Seed_Factory_1

010 Turn:

> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_dozer_1 at 1 Space NE of the Lv_1_AS_1

011 Turn:

> Seed_Command_Center_1 (CC_1) Completion
> Cargo_Lander_1 Available
> Cargo_Lander_2 Available
> Colonist_Lander_1 Available
> Colonist_Lander_2 Available
> Use Cargo_Lander_1 at 1 Space W of the Seed_Power_1
> Use Cargo_Lander_2 at 1 Space W of the Seed_Factory_1

012 Turn:

> Cargo_Lander_1 Completion
> Cargo_Lander_2 Completion
> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_dozer_1 at 1 Space NW of the Lv_1_AS_1

013 Turn:

> Nothing Happens
> Do Nothing

014 Turn:

> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_dozer_1 at 1 Space S of the Lv_1_AS_1

015 Turn:

> Robo_Miner_1 Completion
> Lv_1_ML_1 Completion
> Lv_2_ML_1 (0 Turns to Completion)
> Use Robo_Miner_1 on the Lv_2_ML_1

016 Turn:

> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Robo_Digger_1 Completion
> Lv_1_AS_1 Completion
> Lv_2_AS_1 Completion
> Use Robo_Digger_1 on the Lv_2_AS_1
> Use Robo_dozer_1 at 1 Space SW of the Lv_1_AS_1

017 Turn:

> Nothing Happens
> Do Nothing

018 Turn:

> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Use Robo_dozer_1 at 1 Space SE of the Lv_1_AS_1

019 Turn:

> Use Colonist_Lander_1 at 1 Space N of the Seed_Power_1
> Use Colonist_Lander_2 at 1 Space NW of the Seed_Power_1

020 Turn:

> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Colonist_Lander_1 Completion
> Colonist_Lander_2 Completion
> Agriculture_Dome (Dome) Available
> CHAP Available
> Communication_Tower (CT) Available
> DIRT Available
> Factory (Fact) (Sf) Available
> Police (Pol) (Sf) Available
> Robot_Command (RC) Available
> Smelter (Sme) Available
> SPEW Available
> Storage_Tanks (Tank) Available
> Tokamak (Toka) Available
> Tubes (Tube) (Sf) Available
> Warehouse (Ware) Available
> Commercial (Com) Available
> Light_Industry (Ind) (Ug "Factories") Available
> Laboratory (Lab) Available
> Medical_Facility (Med) Available
> Park_Reservoir (Park) Available
> Police (Pol) (Ug) Available
> Recreational_Facility (RF) Available
> Red_Light_District (RLD) Available
> Residential (Res) Available
> University (Uni) Available
> Place Agriculture_Dome (Dome_1) at 1 Space W of Seed_Tube_W
> Place Tube (Tube_1) at 1 Space W of Dome_1
> Place Agriculture_Dome (Dome_2) at 1 Space W of Tube_1
> Place CHAP (CHAP_1) at 1 Space N of Seed_Tube_N
> Place Warehouse (Ware_1) at 1 Space S of Seed_Tube_S
> Place SPEW (SPEW_1) at 1 Space N of Tube_1
> Place Robot_Command (RC_1) at 1 Space S of Tube_1
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 2 Spaces N of the the ML (ML_2) that is East of the CC_1
> Place Tube (Tube_2) at 1 Space N of Lv_1_AS_1
> Place Tube (Tube_3) at 1 Space S of Lv_1_AS_1
> Place Residential (Res_1) at 1 Space NW of Lv_1_AS_1
> Place Residential (Res_2) at 1 Space NE of Lv_1_AS_1
> Place Residential (Res_3) at 1 Space SW of Lv_1_AS_1
> Place Residential (Res_4) at 1 Space SE of Lv_1_AS_1

021 Turn:

> 1 Colonist Dies (-1 Total) (99 Population)
> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Tube_1 Completion
> Tube_2 Completion
> Tube_3 Completion
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 1 Space N of CHAP_1

022 Turn:

> 1 Colonist Dies (-2 Total) (98 Population)
> 554 Morale
> Robo_Dozer_1 Completion
> Robo_Miner_1 Completion
> Lv_2_ML_1 Completion
> Lv_3_ML_1 Completion
> Ware_1 Completion (3 Robo_Dozers: Robo_Dozer_2, Robo_Dozer_3, and Robo_Dozer_4)
> Place a Tube (Tube_4) at 1 Space N of the CHAP_1
> Use Robo_Miner_1 on the Lv_3_ML_1
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 1 Space NW of CHAP_1

023 Turn:

> 1 Colonist Dies (-3 Total) (97 Population)
> +1 Morale (545 Morale)
> Res_1 Completion
> Res_2 Completion
> Res_3 Completion
> Res_4 Completion
> RC_1 Completion (8 Robots: Robo_Dozer_1, Robo_Digger_1, Robo_Miner_1, Truck_1, Truck_2, Truck_3, Truck_4, and Robo_Dozer_2)
> 2 Robo_Dozers Left in Ware_1 (Robo_Dozer_3 and Robo_Dozer_4)
> Place a RC (RC_2) at 1 Space W of Tube_4
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 1 Space S of Lv_2_AS_1
> Use Robo_Dozer_2 at 1 Space SW of Lv_2_AS_1

024 Turn:

> 1 Colonist Dies (-4 Total) (96 Population)
> +2 Morale (547 Morale)
> Robo_Digger_1 Completion
> Lv_2_AS_1 (0 Turns until Completion)
> Lv_3_AS_1 (0 Turns until Completion)
> 1 Robo_Dozer Left in Ware_1 (Robo_Dozer_4)
> RC_1 (9 Robots: Robo_Dozer_1, Robo_Digger_1, Robo_Miner_1, Truck_1, Truck_2, Truck_3, Truck_4, Robo_Dozer_2, and Robo_Dozer_3)
> Use Robo_Digger_1 on Lv_3_AS_1
> Use Robo_Dozer_3 at 1 Space SE of Lv_2_AS_1

025 Turn:

> 1 Colonist Dies (-5 Total) (95 Population)
> 15 Colonist Births (110 Population) (110% Residential Occupancy)
> +4 Morale (551 Morale)
> Dome_1 Completion
> Dome_2 Completion
> 0 Robo_Dozer Left in Ware_1 (N/A)
> RC_1 (10 Robots: Robo_Dozer_1, Robo_Digger_1, Robo_Miner_1, Truck_1, Truck_2, Truck_3, Truck_4, Robo_Dozer_2, Robo_Dozer_3, and Robo_Dozer_4)
> Use Robo_Dozer_1 at 1 Space N of Lv_2_AS_1
> Use Robo_Dozer_2 at 1 Space NW of Lv_2_AS_1
> Use Robo_Dozer_4 at 1 Space NE of Lv_2_AS_1
> Place a Tube (Tube_5) at 1 Space S of Lv_2_AS_1
> Place a Residential (Res_5) at 1 Space SW of Lv_2_AS_1

026 Turn:

> +3 Morale (554 Morale)
> CHAP_1 Completion
> RC_2 Completion
> 1 Robo_Dozer in Ware_1 (Robo_Dozer_5)
> RC_2 (0 Robots: N/A)
> Place a Medical_Facility (Med_1) at 1 Space SE of Lv_2_AS_1

> ?need to place in the tokamak for power?

> Use a Robo_Dozer_3 at 1 Space S of Lv_3_AS_1

027 Turn:

> 1 Colonist Dies (-6 Total) (109 Population) (87% Residential Occupancy)
> +3 Morale (557 Morale)
> 0 Robo_Dozer Left in Ware_1 (N/A)
> RC_1 (10 Robots: Robo_Dozer_1, Robo_Digger_1, Robo_Miner_1, Truck_1, Truck_2, Truck_3, Truck_4, Robo_Dozer_2, Robo_Dozer_3, and Robo_Dozer_4)
> RC_2 (1 Robot: Robo_Dozer_5)
> Create Route and Assign all 4 Trucks (Truck_1, Truck_2, Truck_3, and Truck_4) for ML_1
> Place a Tube (Tube_6) at 1 Space N of Lv_2_AS_1

> ?can't build the 2 Ug buildings without power?

028 Turn:
029 Turn:
030 Turn:

> 6 Robo_Dozers_1 Need To Be Ready For Dozing Lv_3

031 Turn:
032 Turn:

> Lv_3_AS_1 Completion
> Lv_4_AS_1 Completion
> 6 Robo_Dozers_1 Need To Be Ready For Dozing Lv_4

033 Turn:
034 Turn:
035 Turn:
036 Turn:

> Place a Smelter (Sme_1) at 2 Spaces N of ML_2

037 Turn:
« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 08:27:53 AM by HegemonKhan »

Offline Savant_Ace

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 11:35:32 PM »
Do your colonists not start dying after a couple of turns? When I put the Life support that low I find that people start dying off very quickly before the seed factory is even finished being built.

As awesome as it is to go down multipule levels, I've found it to be somewhat a waste of time. I usually don't run into terrain issues underground that stop me from expanding out in different directions, so I suppose it truly ends up being a matter of organizational preference.

Offline HegemonKhan

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2013, 06:58:46 PM »
Still working on my build orders, as I'm trying to deal with the resource problem.

Finally I found how to see how many resources you start with (I had read it somewhere on here, but couldn't find it again, but I figured out how to myself):

simply right click (or hold option key for MAC users) on your command center, and click on transit and then transfer assets.

Beginner Difficulty: 20 FusionABC, 200 MetalABCD, 200 MinABC, 20 PrecAB
Easy Difficulty: 20 FusionABC, 200 MetalABCD, 200 MinABC, 20 PrecAB
etc Difficulty: (need to check still)
etc Difficulty: (need to check still)
etc Difficulty: (need to check still)

Also, I found out you can do the same with your Cargo Lander(s):

I took 20 Food on Ship Configuration Pre-Game Screen, and had only 12 Food in 1 of my Cargo Landers (Rebels got 8 out of 20 Food).

I need to check if this food is automatically eaten, or if you have to transfer it to..?
Answer: the food gets eaten automatically (having 100 colonists means that the food only lasts a single turn with only 2 food for the next turn, lol. Is it even worth it to assign food, or cargo landers, too? I need to test if a cargo lander is used for anything else, besides food)


anyways, now I have to get documented how many resources buildings take to build and then to maintain once built, and~or anything else that takes resources.

Once I have this, I can then check my build orders to the resource, to figure out what is best, hehe.

You lose two resources quickly:

PrecA and (I forgot, I think it is one of the fusions, probably A obviously)

You lose your MetalA (and something else too) quickly too, but it lasts a bit longer due to starting out with 200 vs 20, lol.

Tubes require 1 MetalA for construction, so you shouldn't build any tubes, until you need (are ready) to place a building down.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 10:33:08 AM by HegemonKhan »

Offline Spikerocks101

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2013, 09:45:31 PM »
To bad you don't play OP2, other wise I could help. :(

Offline HegemonKhan

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2013, 10:47:31 AM »
"...When I put the Life support that low I find that people start dying off very quickly... (SavantAce)"

I'll have to test this again, this might be correct.

having 100 colonists, means that your (20) food only last for a single turn, so you're going to have people dying anyways, but it would still be nice to see~test about the life support too.

20 Food (from Ship Configuration) / 2 (Rebels taking ~half of it) = 12 Food

1 Food = 10 People

so 10 Food feeds 100 People for a single turn only


I wait until turn 19 to place my 2 colonist landers, being ready to build on turn 20.

checking the transits -> transfer assets of the spew and normal~left clicking on the Command Center, shows that resource changes occur between your turns:

Command Center:

Turn 20 = Population 99 (out of 100), but you don't get the "first death" news until turn 21

SPEW Facility:

current turn: waste = 8 and MPG amount in storage = 11
Next turn: waste = 8 and MPG amount in storage = 19


(I have to check this though, going from memory)

I only lose 5 people (1 pop per turn, and in 5 turns I build the agri, which is when the initial people stop dying) though:

Turn 19 = -0 Pop (100 pop)
Turn 20 = -1 Pop (99 pop) but no "first death" news message yet
Turn 21 = -1 Pop (99 pop) and get the "first death" news message
Turn 22 = -1 Pop (98 pop) and get the "lack of food" news message
Turn 23 = -1 Pop (97 pop) = 4 residentials built
Turn 24 = -1 Pop (96 pop)
Turn 25 = -1 Pop (95 pop), but I receive the "hope (first births)" news message, so +15 pop (110 pop) = 2 agris built
Turn 26 = -0 pop (110 pop) = chap is built
Turn 27 = -1 pop (109 pop) ~ I guess this is just "natural death" as they got everything that is vital (chap, 2 agris, 4 residentials at least) and building the Medical Facility doesn't stop the deaths that occur on the following turns.

I think my Morale Decline is stopped at 541, when it then starts to increase, I think this occurs on Turn 23, when my 4 residentials are finished~built.


also, I've been trying to use only 1 level underground, but it just doesn't work out for me. it requires too many robodozings, which I don't have enough of the robo dozers for, and the few robo dozers I have are needed for more pressing things.

I think my build orders is the best that you can do for the initial turns, and it's not that bad for the longer term either.

this requires you to just churn out robodozers from the seed factory, at least until you get the minimum of 6 robo rozers (I'm going to try switching over to a robo digger).

Turn 19:

place my 2 colonist landers
(maybe I should move this back~forward~whatever a turn to Turn 18)

Turn 20 (my first building turn):

Place: 1 Warehouse, 1 CHAP, 2 Agridomes, 1 SPEW, 1 Robot Command, and 4 Residentials

I have to hold off 3 turns to place another robot command (which is just in time for the 11th robot) and a tokamak (which is needed due to being nearly out of power)

on turn 23 (I have my 4 residentials built on lvl 1), I have 2 dozers which I use for lvl 2

on turn 24, i have another dozer which I use for lvl 2

on turn 25, I place 1 Residential on lvl 2

on turn 26, I place another residential on lvl 2

etc etc... I'm getting tired, lol.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 11:15:07 AM by HegemonKhan »

Offline Lukc

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2013, 06:01:18 AM »
I usually take 5 or 6 turns of life support and food storage. I see no need for more cargo landers, and certainly no need for 4 colonist landers. Three are enough, and 150 colonists are enough as well. The weather satellite is useless as well. :P I usually take the funds and weight left for a solar satellite and several receiver arrays, or a tokamak, or an observation satellite, or a communications satellite, depending on my mood.

When on the planet, just build an agridome, a spew, a chap and as many residences as possible and required (usually, three or four).

As soon as space allows, build a second agridome, a few morale-boosting structures like a medical center and a university, and then whatever you want. \o/

If you plan to exploit the SPEW + Residences bug, you should build lots of residences and a second SPEW. :3 (IIRC, 5 residences per agridome are required, or something like that, to produce enough MPG)

I did that on all planet types of OP1, even on Hard with automated trucking, and it seemed to work pretty well. Of course, the SPEW+Residences bug allows you to play without nanotech for a loooong time.

As for the seed factory, I build diggers until the first colonists land, at which point I switch to dozers, because I usually build much more underground structures than surface structures, even without the SPEW+Residences thing. I, however, usually don’t use more than one level until quite some time.

However, something I often wonder is what kind of geometry do other people use when building their colony? I usually make tubes expand from my CC (and not the seed factory as the rebels do) with Aeration Shafts on their sides regularly, beginning from right next to the CC. I think it would be clearer with a picture or something, but I’m not really able to provide any at this time. :|

Offline HegemonKhan

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2013, 03:27:34 AM »
my thinking is that:

I can get more colonists from the rebels when they have 100 colonists compared to them only 50 colonists. More rebel colonists to defect to your colony ;)

I doubt the rebel colonists die off, if anything, they increase. So that's at least 50 more colonists for you eventually.

> 2 colonist landers = 50 colonists for you + 50 colonists for rebels = at least 100 colonists for you eventually
> 3 colonist landers = 100 colonists for you + 50 colonists for rebels = at least 150 colonists for you eventually
> 4 colonist landers = 100 colonists for you + 100 colonists for rebels = at least 200 colonists for you eventually


On Easy Difficulty, there's likely no natural disasters, and if I remember reading right, most (or maybe all) of your buildings don't even breakdown nor explode, so ya weather satellite probably isn't needed.

Orbital Observer isn't necessary, as you've made the rebels a ghost town before turn 100 (the enabling of communications and trade with the rebels). Easy and especially Beginner Difficulty anyways. It's nice though to be able to watch the rebels though, lol.

Obviously the Intersteller Probe isn't really needed, until the end of the game (after you win the game via starship launch, can you actually colonize another planet, as a continuation of your game, as you play on that new planet?)

on my version, the ULBI probe is needed to pick what planet in the star system you want, which is important, unless you don't mind doing new games until it~AI selects the planet that you want, lol.

obviously, the communication satellite and geological probe are important, though I'd like to do a game without them, as they feel a bit like cheating, and I'd like to have to learn to work with the Communication Towers, and even heck, explorer robots would finally be useful~needed~have a purpose, lol.

all satellites and probes can be researched anyways too. so, you don't need to take them at all. They're available for taking for personal difficulty, as it's a lot more hard without them for a good part of the game, until you're able to research them.


20 Food = 100 Colonists fed for 1 turn
1 Food = 5 Colonists fed

50/5 = 10 Food

10 Food feeds 50 colonists for 1 turn
20 (max) Food feeds 50 colonists for 2 turns

as you can see, food actually makes like no difference, as 0 Food and 20 Food isn't significant at all.

And you lose life anyways for the 5 turns until you build your agridome. And at best you're only preventing 1-2 deaths, even with 20 food and 50 colonists, max.


though I still need to test the life support, if it prevents death after you land or not.


ya, I'm not sure of the point of the cargo landers, I guess they'd hold your extra tokamaks or solar plants, but otherwise, you only need 1, which will hold all of your food. Hmm, maybe also an extra seed factory (if you can take extra ones), I never thought of trying to take more than one, it could be useful, lol. For a second colony.


can you give actual specifics?, like how many turns do you go through, while just pumping out residentials, with only your chap, spew, and agris. when do you start to build other things? do you have crime problems (need to build police)? do they complain of requiring other buildings? I have many questions that I don't know the answers to, lol.

do you try to do research right away? how many labs do you build on what turn?

etc etc etc


I'm slowly testing out stuff on Easy Difficulty, as I've always played on Beginner, as I was a little kid back then, but now that I'm older, I want to try more of the challenge, and I'm struggling with figuring out with the limited resources, hehe.

I also don't use automatic trucking. It takes a bit to learn how it works, if you don't already know, but (besides having to do it yourself) the only difference is that on the automatic trucking, you get a free-created truck with every mine you build for that mine. With autotrucking off, you got to build more trucks for each mine, so no free trucks, lol. The one question I have, that I don't know yet, is: do you lose a truck's carried resources, if you assign that truck to another spot? I think it must be yes, which makes trucking a bit more difficult to manage, lol.

If, you're not playing on Beginner, you pretty much have to use the MPG of SPEW (lots of residentials), it seems.

Also, I'm still not sure which is better to do: many SF only lvl mines, or to use all 4 lvls.

I think it is correct that each mine, regardless of how many lvls (though I haven't tested this) only gives: +2 PrecAB (+2 PrecA and +2 PrecB), but you only get 15 of the other resources, and they're farther away from your colony.


only +2 PrecAB, but 60 (at 4 lvls) of the other resources, less reources needed for the mines too (as you got fewer mines), and it is extremely close to your colony's Seed Smelter.


the former, means that you don't need as much MPG, due having more of the PrecAB from the mines. However, this doesn't work out this way, as you've less of the other resources, which you need too, and thus you need the MPG for them.

the latter, means that you only need the MPG (residentials) for your PrecAB, and this can be really good, but in the longer term, this might cause problems as your mine(s) runs out faster (less total resources).


the nice thing is that the reources are "teleported" from your smelter to your storage tanks, which is much better than dozing land and building factories that make road materials, but smelters aren't cheap in the beginning of the game, lol.

Also, a quick note, at least in my version, you don't seem to use resources until you built (and the resources) go to your storage tanks. Though I haven't tested this out maybe enough turns, but it seems like your processed resources just stay in your Seed smelter unused, until you build your storage tanks, much like how you can't use your robots with your robot control, until you built the warehouse.


I'm also, working on new build orders, which I think is better, as I'm building right from turn 12, which saves (or gives) me ~10 (extra) turns, compared to from in building from turn 20, and the morale drop isn't that much if you do it right, hehe.

Z = Dozer
_ = a tile
D = Digger
P = Seed Power
T = Seed Tube
C = (Seed) Command Center
L = Seed Lander
F = Seed Factory
S = Seed Smelter
M = Mine

North: 0-7 turns


North: turn 12


A = Agridome
R = Robot Command
W = Warehouse

this enables you to have the 5 necessities (CHAP, AGRI, SPEW, RC, WH), and also to have uninterupted tubing, including the 2 residentials as soon as possible: 8-17 turns

Turn 8: Doze UG and adjacent to UG air shaft
Turn 10: Doze UG on one side of turn 8's doze tile
Turn 12: place a tube and a 1 residential, and doze on other side of turn 8's tile
Turn 14: place another residential (2 residential total), and doze on opposite side of the UG air shaft of~from~in~relation~to turn 8's tile
Turn 15: 1st residential is built, and doze on a side of turn 14's tile (this dozer just came from the warehouse from your seed factory building dozers)
(Turn 16: doze on other side of turn 14's tile)
Turn 17: 2nd residential is built, (and place your 3rd residential, and ~ 512 Morale = it has stopped decreasing and is now going to be rising)
(Turn 18: place your 4th residential)
(Turn 20: 3rd residential is built, and SPEW is built)
(Turn 21: 4th residential is built, +3 MPG)


Turn 25 is the first Birthing: 95 to 110 pop

so you need to have the 2nd agridome built BEFORE turn 25 (otherwise you'll get -2 pop ~ 2 deaths), so that means you must be able to place your 2nd agri on turn 19 (19+5=24), which means you must have dozed a spot on turn 18 (this is doable using my method above, hehe).


the MPG (or as you call it: "SPEW+Residences") is certainly NOT a bug, lol.

it's quite neccesary, to use the recycling of the SPEW's MPG from the residentials (and also the UG Factories ~ Light Industries make useable waste too, but this is obviously not a likely good source for MPG, lol. Unless you don't need or don't want the residentials and their +5 per each birth rates, and~or if you need their luxuries, clothing, or medicine production). This is definately intended, as this game was made during the recycling craze of the time back then in the U.S., lol.

It's near impossible for the mines to sustain your colony in the early game (unless you're doing a very minimalist colony), so the MPG is vital until you get nanotech.


According to the one poster, you need uninterrupted tubes (is this confirmed?):


T = tubes*
B = buildings
_ = a tile space

* and usually the middle T is where the Seed Lander was, just how the AI builds ~ which is probably what you should do too, as the AI needed to be coded to be able to survive, so probably this pattern, "+", is actually required~optiminal

though, the tubes only seem to need to be connected to your chap (and maybe a few other buildings), aside from obviously all the buildings it needs to connect to.

tubes (only needed to carry) = air, ?mpg?, power, ?food?, (and ?H2O?, but does anything create this? or does water come with your chap?)

so, if this is the case, then you can use this, for a better placement structure or pattern.


and I understand what you said, for what you do, lol

a "+" with the CC being the center of it, right? ;)


factories (SF) and labs (UG) use the most resources, both during construction and for maintence.


I'm slowly making a table of the buildings' required resources, as the faq~guide on gamefaqs (?jstendor's?), isn't completed, lol. It's missing a lot of buildings, argh.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 03:58:34 AM by HegemonKhan »

Offline helpmenow

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2013, 01:57:31 PM »
where is the op2 version of this topic? or is this it?

Offline Spikerocks101

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2013, 02:58:09 PM »
Um, for Outpost 2 build order discussion, try going on the XMPP.

Offline Pressure Line

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Early Game Help (build Orders)
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2013, 03:32:50 AM »
20 Food = 100 Colonists fed for 1 turn
1 Food = 5 Colonists fed

50/5 = 10 Food

10 Food feeds 50 colonists for 1 turn
20 (max) Food feeds 50 colonists for 2 turns

as you can see, food actually makes like no difference, as 0 Food and 20 Food isn't significant at all.
According to the manual (lol?) each agridome can feed 100 colonists per turn. Each agridome produces 10 food per turn. So your maths is a little off, it should be:

20 (max) Food feeds 50 colonists for 4 turns

Which still doesn't really matter, because your colonists will begin starving before your seed complex is even built

Offline nighthalk1

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« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2013, 04:53:07 PM »
yay i can help with this issue since im partially through recoding this thing in a modern language.

colonists do indeed eat 1/10th of a food each, which is why your population starts dieing so quickly. HOWEVER colonists on the ship do not need to eat. unfortinately you have to have colonists to start actually building an agridome. the good news is, you can land only one colonist lander for initial buildup, and the other when you need it. do keep in mind, the rebel colonists steal some of this food (1/4 of it on easyer 2 settings, half on normal, 3/4 on hard). there is absolutely no point in more than 1 cargo lander, everything is brought (and stolen) on the first one. (fyi, the seed lander is also a secret warehouse + storage tank)

there is one additional caveat to this, after 25 turns colonists still not landed will begin to starve just as if they had landed and ran out of food.

and as for weather satelite, i have not seen any code whatsoever ask about it, it really is a waste of space and money.

each life support provides 3 turns of power (not air, despite what the name implies, nor does it have any other effect, your 1 turn per death is caused by a combination of a lack of air and food which cannot be prevented). the maximum turns of power allowed is 50 (basically 18 life support), then the command center's internal power supply will run out. new secondary colonies automatically get 100 turns of free power.

there is a 10 turn grace period after the seed lander lands where only 1 colonist can die per turn (instead of the geometric *2 death sequence)

another reason preca runs out so fast is it is needed for the agridome.

i found hints in the code that multiple orbital observers would allow you to have multiple landing sites (remember how you could have 4 open for preview, but all others would close when you landed?), but it seemed to have been scrapped and disabled.

technically resources still go through a shipping delay with automated trucking which is effected by terrain, roads or monorails give far faster shipping times than basic trucks over hills/mountains. the resources you see arrive per turn were actually sent out ~10 turns ago or longer.

ive never needed uninterupted tubes, i have diamond shaped 20 x 20 colonies with the
__B + B
B + B + B
__B + B
pattern. not ideal but very adaptable. the best is something like


if you have other random questions about details of the mechanics i have everything codified (but not cleaned up)

edit: another note, precA and B are actually an extra product from smelting OreMineralA and B (at 1/2 and 1/3 ratios respectively). mines always pump out theyre ores in sequence (ore a-d, fusion a-c, mina-c) based on the mine rates (2,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,2,2 per turn for that order) until the 500 ore storage is full.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 05:46:14 PM by nighthalk1 »