Many thanks to TH300 for the recent website re-design. The update went live on Easter Sunday. The menu system has been updated significantly, so now you should be able to actually find things on the site. It's also not so tiny for people with wide screens. Personally, I love the update.
There was still one thing we wanted to change but haven't done yet. We would like an updated image for the top of the page. As none of the admin team are particularly skilled at image design, while some of the users here clearly are, we thought perhaps we should put a challenge to the community to design a new image for the website. We haven't set any selection details or timeline yet, but if multiple people choose to submit images, we may hold a poll, with the winner laying claim to the front page of the website.
To get some ideas started, my opinion of the current image is that it's fairly visually attractive, but much too obviously a picture of Mars. I would prefer something more representative of New Terra. Or perhaps it doesn't have anything to do with New Terra. Perhaps we should have some other image that represents the Outpost Universe.
The current image is 800x150 pixels, and contains the text "The Outpost Universe". This is not a requirement for a replacement image, but I think the replacement should be around the same ballpark for size (not so big that you have to scroll to see content), and placing the website's name in the image would probably allow it to be styled a little better than if the name was added separately.
Who's interested in submitting something?