Well.. when the laser gets heat dissapation at the higher tech level tree, the laser will outclass the microwave.
The laser has a much higher ROF when it gets heat dissapation which makes up for its lower light armor damage. A Laser Tiger vs A Microwave Tiger, the laser one will win if it has Heat Dissapation.
Its just that to get there requires a whole lot longer than it takes for Plymouth.
So ya, early on Eden is at a disadvantage. Later on its laser gets a massive boost.
Though in a multiplayer game against a Human opponent, you will most likely not last long enough to get to that advantage.
My suggestion is to balance out the laser by doing one of the things of the poll + reducing the ROF boost the laser gets later on.
A strategy that is expensive but possible, to use against an early plymouth attack is Scout Bombers. By this I mean drive up to a vehicle and hit self-destruct. The scout is by far the cheapest and fastest unit early game, coupled with a wall of laser turrets may allow an eden player some time to survive. Maybe.
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