What started out as a quiet evening shortly turned into madness, when Demon-Wizard decided to test his skills against Highlander. In a crazy move not seen before DW went as Eden, while High flipped to coin and played Plymouth (for a change).
Dw started out aggressively, by staking out his territory and claiming the middle early on.

He was however hard pressed to contain the Plymouth commander facing him off, which resulted in several stickied laser lynx and a quick outbreak by Highlander.

Following up this success Highlander decided to press his luck and advanced on the enemy stronghold, only to be greeted by EMP's at a very early stage of the battle.

EMP's are unfortunately quite costly, something which left DW with too few defending vehicles and his mine was lost.

As the enemy forces wore thin, Highlander decided to punch the last nail in the coffin and destroyed a vital Agridome effectively ending the game.

As we can see from the score, DW never managed to climb back up from the battle of the middle, and Highlander - somewhat lucky with his Sticky's, could secure the prize

(Hows this for a new feature ? (thumbsup) )