Author Topic: Battlereport 12.10  (Read 3296 times)

Offline Highlander

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Battlereport 12.10
« on: October 11, 2011, 06:01:00 PM »
Teams were Spike (Cyan) + DW (Red) vs Drib (Green) + Devander (Yellow), Pie chart, no AM

Though perhaps somewhat stacked, the D brothers did not back down from the challenge, while wanting to improve their teamwork.

Spike and DW got a hold of the middle first and started harassing Dev, while Drib jumped in to slow their progress. The resistance was however futile and DW + Spike reinforced their position in the middle and held the brothers separated.

As they felt secure, they assaulted Dev first.  Breaking initial defenses, Spike and DW was halted on the doorstep, but quickly turned about to strike at Drib breaking through his defense to cause mayhem in his base before being stopped.

As Drib was having problems, Spike decided to settle the score with Devander moving into his base to crush the resistance and wipe the CC off the map.

After DW's initial attack into Drib's base, Drib was left clipped, and the joint offense by Spike and DW quickly overcame the now desperate defense Drib could afford, and with this quickly ended the game.

In the second round, DW joined forces with Dev against Spike and Drib.

DW quickly went for middle before Spike and Drib were set up. Due to a misunderstanding DW was under attack by his own ally (Dev) before matters was sorted.

The first hammerstrike fell on Spike, but as the joint armies of DW and Dev moved into the bottleneck, Drib decided to join the fray, and halted further advances. This led to a shift of balance were Drib held middle and from there attacked Dev, and the joint army of Spike and Drib brought down Dev.

Spike in the mean time was left unable to attack, since DW had destroyed a connecting building to his Vec fac's. However, Spike had Drib to save the day and DW was defeated before he could utilize the oppertunity of a weakened Spike.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 12:03:02 PM by Highlander »
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Offline Demon-Wizard

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Battlereport 12.10
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2011, 12:31:17 PM »
very nice, i need to figure out how to make screen shots.  thanks for the commentary high  :D  
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Offline TH300

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Battlereport 12.10
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2011, 02:47:56 PM »
very nice, i need to figure out how to make screen shots.  thanks for the commentary high  :D
I thought that people would see this, but apparently I have to point to it:

If you need help with it post in its thread.

On Topic:

I have played too many rush games on Pie to find this interesting.

Offline Spikerocks101

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Battlereport 12.10
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2011, 04:13:47 PM »
True, Pie Chart isn't unique for anyone, but the point of it seems to be there. It just simple shows how to make battle reports, or AAR's. The first battle was one sided, and the second one had a bit more depth to it, but still was over in about 10 minutes.

Offline Savant_Ace

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Battlereport 12.10
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2011, 01:16:59 AM »
Thank you for the battle report. Wether or not interesting, this is substance and activity, which is nice to see on the forums.

Offline Demon-Wizard

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Battlereport 12.10
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2011, 01:27:56 AM »
i really like the pictures, really nice high.  good to have picture to remember these battles
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