Author Topic: My Clone Wars Map!  (Read 7191 times)

Offline jcj94

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My Clone Wars Map!
« on: April 03, 2011, 04:04:44 PM »
It's not done yet, but I'll describe my goal!

I want you to be able to move units to a location and get clone(s) of that unit for battle.
So what I did is use the La Corrida map to the ... fullest of its potential.
I took the little cliffs on the edges and use those as bases for your research, and your RCC.

When you get panthers researched, your clonable units become panthers, and same for tiger.

I'm going to give you all the tiger speed mod to begin with, so now long wars that drawl out.

I'm adding a trigger that checks to see if you have your starter units, and if you don't, then KABLEWIE!, your CC is gone and you lose.

The default teams are 1 and 3 vs 2 and 4.

NOTE: I am hoping something like this will be able to evolve into my "player filler AI" or the potential "player micromanagement AI"

Offline Sirbomber

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My Clone Wars Map!
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2011, 06:39:14 PM »
...So basically you just get free units spawned for you whenever you want?
What does that have to do with AI?
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Offline jcj94

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My Clone Wars Map!
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2011, 07:36:02 PM »
...So basically you just get free units spawned for you whenever you want?

No, you take and move them to a beacon and they create another for you, without using ore.  it's like using a vehichle factory, but through code and giving you whatever unit you want.

What does that have to do with AI?

Not the AI itself, but more so the trigger to allow you to use it/ implement it.

What I am attempting to do here is create a "brute force just attack cause your lazy and want to say I BEET YOU!" game.  It will be a trigger based AI, not the General Purpose AI we want.

This was inspired by random thought into a "new" game-type.  It would require a different style of strategy.  Instead of "build a good base, get a bunch of ore, and research a bunch of tech to wipe out my enemies" its a "Defend, attack, defend, Advance position, defend position, attack, GET WIPED OUT, rebuild, defend attack" style.  It takes Less micro-management, and more "I'm gonna kill you because I wan't to".  

This is really kind of... polar opposite from my usual ideas, seeing as most of them can be following the story line somehow (slanted armor = cheaper unit solution, Degrading ore = more relocation, new units = The Great Link attempting to defend its humans.

I'm not one for poking people with a new idea stick, but I am an imaginative person, and I try to pursue my ideas to their fullest extent.

And I do have one question for you Sir, What de-compiler did you guys use?