Warcaliptolf: The value you're looking for is 10102.
Look at the addresses column on the left. You followed the second entry on the stack to 01E59300 in the data window. If you look down a few rows, you can see the address incrementing until it gets to 01E59330. ("30" greater, in hexadecimal, which often have the prefix 0x to denote they are not the usual decimal numbers). The first entry on that line is the tech id you are looking for.
Note that each line increments by 0x10 hex = 16 decimal. Each "long" value is 4 bytes, hence 4 entries per line. As long values are typically aligned on 4 byte boundaries, you'd expect to find values at offset 0x0, 0x4, 0x8, 0xC (the 4 columns on each of the lines).
Sirbomber, you seem to misunderstand me. I never suggested modifying original levels to make them playable. I was merely suggesting two options that could prevent crashes. One idea was to modify the tech tree to use similar tech ids, so there are no crashing issues with invalid tech ids. This would not make the original levels play well with the modified rules, but it would probably go a long way to prevent crashes. The modest concept being a level that will likely play oddly is better than one that doesn't work at all. Who knows, there might even be some setups where a level works well with both rule sets, like say starting with 1 of every unit, like in the tutorials. Of course, Arklon seems to suggest compatible levels are unlikely due to the large number of changes. Sure. A lot of levels probably will be ruined, even if they don't crash. So maybe this isn't the best option.
The other idea, which Arklon seems to have gone more into, is that the mod loader might not be the best way to play MT2 levels. I think this is probably the better point I was trying to make. Now I know there is currently no other code to do what you want, but I'm saying such code could be developed. After all, the mod loader was written that lets you load custom data, so why not build that logic into the MT2 levels themselves rather than use the mod loader to change things globally. This is definately the more sensible alternative if original levels couldn't be expected to be playable even if they didn't crash. There would be no special startup requirements. MT2 levels would play as MT2, and regular levels would play as they always have. The downside of course is that such custom data loading code would need to be written into a nice library, and existing MT2 levels would need to be changed to use such a library and recompiled. But, at least the source code to those levels should be accessible. Also, I don't believe the amount of code that would need to be written is all that large, and much of the relevant internal functions of Outpost 2 are probably fairly well documented. Actually, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if Arklon was able to figure it out himself, given his recent achievements with similar tasks. I suspect you could also probably figure it out yourself, although, I'm a little less certain about your level of comfort with such tasks since you are sometimes a little secretive about your code and what it is you've been up to.