Author Topic: Art Tools ?  (Read 1594 times)

Offline Zhall

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Art Tools ?
« on: September 08, 2010, 08:53:51 PM »
So i want to rip a few animations which use 15-20 frames for use in some... things... using art tools.

Im pretty sure its possible but search isnt very useful.

And yes, ill mention outpost 2 as the ... erm.. donor :D

And for those of you with copyright issues.

I certainly cant find the All artwork owned by Blizactivizion anywhere...
Pumping out awsome.

Offline BlackBox

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Art Tools ?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2010, 06:56:00 PM »
Topic locked.

We are not going to give you assistance when it comes to ripping graphics from OP2 to use in another game without permission from VU. (Activision and Blizzard have nothing to do with OP2 nor have they ever).

It's been mentioned on the forums multiple times that this kind of thing is not really okay (taking someone else's work and passing it off as your own) and we're not going to help you with that at all.

As far as posting a link to a flash game on newgrounds to try to justify your actions, I don't really care, that's their problem if they don't have permission from Blizzard (perhaps they do, I don't really know). OPU isn't going to be dragged into it however.

In addition we already had this discussion on IRC. Stop posting the same thing because you didn't get a satisfactory response from an admin, doing so may cause loss of posting rights.

-- BlackBox