Author Topic: Physics And You.  (Read 3541 times)

Offline jcj94

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Physics And You.
« on: March 21, 2011, 11:45:26 AM »
Relative to any point, any other point can be moving.  Relative to a point that we move around almost constintly, we are in perpetual motion.  Unless the sun suddenly explodes.

There's a new one...
     Commander: Launch the rocket
     Nature: I BLOEZ UP SUN
     Savant: you have failed, your colony is doomed!
(OT) I know

Offline TH300

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Physics And You.
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 07:01:15 PM »
Relative to any point, any other point can be moving.  Relative to a point that we move around almost constintly, we are in perpetual motion.  Unless the sun suddenly explodes.
If my knowledge of physics doesn't fail on me, earth is not in perpetual motion, although it probably almost is. There is this thing called gravity which will at some point make earth fall into the sun (if sun still exists). Things like gravity or friction will always get in the way.

Offline evecolonycamander

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Physics And You.
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 09:55:44 PM »
assuming such a scenario exists, imagine a planet moving around a SMALL sun in a perfect circle. now imagine all matter in the system is ether absorbed by the planet or the sun. now, in that lonely system, there are only two major forces at work: gravity, and inertia. IF both forces are equally distributed, then perpetual motion is achieved AND even recreateable. dose this help what is being said?
''The blight cant get us up here!''
-famous last words
Outpost 2: EoM project status: Re-planning

Offline jcj94

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Physics And You.
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 10:01:41 PM »
In a sense, yes.  

That ant Artificial intelligence if you forget to tell it to stop reinforcing units as they get killed streaming a group of 500 into the other teams base.

I should set that As a time trigger...

  I'd only use lynxes.. I wouldn't be THAT mean.

And ECC, you do realize we are going to get yelled at / schooled on physics by the masters right?

Just pointing that out early, even though I do know some fundamental rules of physics, Such as law of conservation of matter/energy.  They really should teach the full definition in highschools.