
Is it right?

1: No, its just a waste of resources
4 (44.4%)
2: No, at least, not early game
0 (0%)
3: Yes, but only when EXTREMELY BOARD
1 (11.1%)
4: Yes, I need to get rid of minerals ATM because I have to few smelters
0 (0%)
5: Yes, they should be able to see it coming better
3 (33.3%)
6: No, its just plain annoying.
1 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Author Topic: Scout Bombing  (Read 6854 times)

Offline jcj94

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Scout Bombing
« on: March 24, 2011, 07:53:20 PM »
You get the picture here.

I just want a general consensus on it.  I mean, scouts are MUCH cheaper than Lynx.  The downside is that they don't do much bang for your buck.  

Should we add a modded SCOUT that has some sort of damage increase tech?

Hoping this poll will answer this question.  

Offline evecolonycamander

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Scout Bombing
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 07:59:01 PM »
first off it's called a 'scout rush'
second, increasing the self destruct for scouts increases it for all units
thirdly, i have taken multiple lynx down with a single scout(only happened twice.)
fourth: they are cheep and quick to build. why increase damage when you can amas 20 of them and take over the world in seconds?
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Offline jcj94

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Scout Bombing
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 08:28:45 PM »
first off it's called a 'scout rush'
second, increasing the self destruct for scouts increases it for all units
thirdly, i have taken multiple lynx down with a single scout(only happened twice.)
fourth: they are cheep and quick to build. why increase damage when you can amas 20 of them and take over the world in seconds?
Because, then you can build 10 of them and win the world in seconds


Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 08:51:10 PM »
true, but what about the HP of the units? a simple line of lasers could eliminate the incoming threat. then the tech would have been for nothing
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Offline jcj94

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« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2011, 09:03:35 PM »
Scouts = faster than lasers.  Pump them out faster than lasers can kill, and you've got yourself made.  

You obviously haven't seen me literally needing other RCC's to ensure that my Scouts don't cliff-hug.

Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2011, 09:06:02 PM »
actually, i usually have about 60+ scouts on map when i know a hidden wreckage is somewhere. then i learn the wreckage was behind my base ........
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Outpost 2: EoM project status: Re-planning

Offline jcj94

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« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2011, 09:11:47 PM »
1: LOL
2: Now imagine those scouts as *decreased price Starflares*  Imaging the damage that could be done to the enemy without destroying them uselessly?

Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2011, 09:34:16 PM »
i do that. but i much prefer going at my enemies with that number of thors hammer tigers. it looks much cooler and then enemy at least knows whats about to a happen
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Offline jcj94

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« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2011, 09:39:15 PM »
i do that. but i much prefer going at my enemies with that number of thors hammer tigers. it looks much cooler and then enemy at least knows whats about to a happen
Getting wiped out by scouts would be even more humiliating than getting wiped out by scorpions.

Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2011, 11:05:48 PM »
no, scorpions is better. they are slower. ok, now back to the topic:

i say no changes to the scouts other then a possible HP enhancement. im tired or replacing scouts when a cocky person wants to make his/her mark.
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Offline Spikerocks101

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Scout Bombing
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2011, 11:23:45 PM »
Jcj, what would the benefit of that be? First, what are scouts for? Well, hint, its in there name. Second, scout bombing is ineffective way of destroying an enemy, even if you build you base beside the enemies base. If you manage to get scouts across to their base, you should probably have sent an earthworker to do tube cutting. Scout rush is a tactic, not a portion of the game, and try to make the tactic better by increasing scout armor/health/what ever is not needed. Their is really no purpose to doing such a thing. And plus, their is a unit called a Starflare which job is EXACTLY what you are looking for. If anything, I'd say make the Starflare a little strong, but thats pushing it.

Offline Highlander

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« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2011, 01:21:40 AM »
Spike mostly wrapped it up in his post there.

Scoutrush can work in some cases, but that is usually due to the enemy making mistakes rather than yourself doing something right. And they certainly should see it coming and react to it.

I would label it as a possible tactic allthough for myself I would consider it a waste of resources and rather do something else with my ore.

Changing anything on the Scout to make it more like a flare would be going against the purpose of the scout.  
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2011, 06:46:44 AM »
We did this once, in Swarm.  Increasing the self-destruct damage is surprisingly not all that useful.  Spawning a Vortex on the Scout when it dies, on the other hand... :P  
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Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Scout Bombing
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2011, 08:12:34 AM »
Oh come on sir! I wanted to say that.

Any hoo, maybe a disaster spawner when scout dies wouldent be such a bad idea? We could make it a mod perhaps? Is it any hard?

Well if anyone other than Sirbomber makes it, i'd be surpised.
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

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Offline jcj94

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« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2011, 02:31:29 PM »
We did this once, in Swarm.  Increasing the self-destruct damage is surprisingly not all that useful.  Spawning a Vortex on the Scout when it dies, on the other hand... :P
.. that would be just CRUEL..

and hilarious.

But I do agree on an HP upgrade on scouts.  I hate that they die so easily.  That and, if we get a Tiger Wreckage upgrade, why not a Lynx/ Panther wreckage upgrade?  

Probrably pointless with those, but hey, I think those would be better on low ore maps, or, like La Corrida where ore is COMPLETELY random, where rare ore might not show up often.

Scouts are kind of useless units in multiplayer other than if you set a "scan wreckage" trigger.  I still think they're should be some, desperate modification to put a Energy Rifle on the scouts, by the Plymouth.

I could create a colony game that explains them somehow with a bit of storyline.

and Who put "they should be able to see it coming better"?  
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 02:32:31 PM by jcj94 »

Offline TH300

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Scout Bombing
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2011, 03:14:16 PM »
Scouts are currently not useless in multiplayer. Not only can they be used for scout rushes (which will only work if the scout rushing player is much better than the player who is being rushed), but they will also warn about approaching enemy units (yes, that's an important feature) and (probably not so important) you can scan enemy structures.

And, well, scout always worked fine for me as they are. No need to change them in any way. The scout has weak defense, yes. But thats why you escort it with a few lynxes. Scoutruching scouts are destroyed quickly, yes. But the scout rush isn't meant to work against strong players. Its just there to show new people how much they still have to learn.

And, please, if you want to talk about wreckages or anything that is unrelated to scouts, start a new topic for that.

Offline jcj94

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« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2011, 10:28:45 PM »
Well to be honest, When do you get a chance to scan enemy structures?

Most of my scouts get killed by the other guy using scouts to kill mine.

Did that make sense?

EDIT: This is BEFORE we even have weapons techs.  So not even GPs are built yet.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 10:30:48 PM by jcj94 »

Offline CK9

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Scout Bombing
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2011, 01:15:10 AM »
Back when people still played resource race and midas, I used scouts to keep track of my oponent's metals
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Offline Spikerocks101

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Scout Bombing
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2011, 08:39:32 AM »
i played my first Midas a few day ago.... never making that mistake twice XD

Offline jcj94

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« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2011, 09:05:36 AM »
To be honest, never played Midas.

CK9, How did you get your scout into their base?  They use scouts to suicide against mine and I don't get close enough TO scan anything