Author Topic: Spam....why Me?  (Read 27703 times)

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Spam....why Me?
« on: March 10, 2010, 09:36:42 AM »
So uhh yeah.... i just wanted to clear up some personal matters on how people sometimes veiw me.

Spamming- to be off topic or repeating a word or phrase rapidly.

I don't spam, clearly by this definition of spamming.

I am rarely off topic, i don't normally repeat a phrase to be anoying like:

lololololololololololol ect....

So how exactly do i spam?? Sure i say some weird stuff time to time, but thats not spam. spam is either being complety off topic or... lalalalalalalalalalalallaalal hahahahahahahah ect.....

now another thing, time and again when a topic is dieing e.g.:

my 2012 topic, people where talking about random computer programing stuff. now do you think that is polite for people to spam in a well though topic? i think i deserve an apology from all who participated in that off-topic topic. now im not saying this is a bad thing, but when well respected admins join the act of continueing the off-topic topic, they only contribute to rule breaking themselfs without knowing it i assume.

Now again i do place wierd things on the forum, like that missbomber joke(obv not funny) and once again, i am sorry sir for that. but other than those rare occasions, i never spam at all, for the majority of my posts.

Spam evidence starts with these 2 posts here:

"Then I don't get why programers, who have to know this, don't make new applictions without this inherent problem and give companies some kind of incentive to update/upgrade. Something that sounds really big to the average CEO but is really rather small..."

"Because not all programmers know this. In an ideal world, yes, they should, but the world is far from ideal. Plus, you may be using a tool that internally uses 32-bit timestamps but doesn't tell you that. It would generally be illegal to reverse engineer it to find out, as well as time comsuming and costly. It's not the kind of thing people stop to think about when they're busy trying to meet deadlines. Plus, sometimes they need to be backwards compatible with an older system that uses 32-bit timestamps."

If our admins can't stay on topic, then how can we know to trust them? (i still trust them, i just regret their actions.)
now there is over 1 page of spam in that topic, that is worse than anything i have ever committed here. Again all who have spammed there right then spammed more than i could ever spam within two years of activities. (To admins) please don't take this personally, i just don't like being treated differently and unjust. I have 10% warning and still they can't tell me why. Perhaps they don't have a good reason at all? I should not be afraid to ask an admin what i did wrong. I have enough stress from school as it is...

Sranting is not spam, it may conist of flaming, but thats different.
my sig is not spammy, for gods sake it's a sig, it does not have to be any specific topic.

Just becuase i have bad grammar does not mean i am spammy. Theres a difference. Grammar has nothing to do with spamming; bad grammar is not against the rules of most civilized games. Spam is against the rules of most civilized games. Why does this not make sense according to your words?

Spamming is against the rules of runescape, and i never i repeat NEVER spam according to them. According to the half million people i know on runescape, off topic IS spamming in most cases becuase it is meaningless and only confuses people who search hardly to find a specific topic.

So if you claim it's what most internet users think, your right. Quite frankly, you both aren't the majority of the internet. So that makes your ideals of spam just another misinterpetation.

Now befor you two go flaming on me, i want to ask that you wait until at least 5 more different people answer. Thank you for your thoughts, you have made me understand what i was doing.
o again stop pointing the fingure at me, we are all to blame as a community for the spam. That is my opinion.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 01:41:46 PM by Lord Of Pain »
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline Sirbomber

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Spam....why Me?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2010, 12:22:07 PM »
Off-topic posts are not spam.

Spam is incoherent, pointless rambling and ranting.  Usually, it lacks any semblance of proper sentence structure.  Grammar and spelling (especially in your case) are usually the victims of genocide in spammy posts.  (Seriously, has anyone ever seen spam that didn't slaughter the English language?).

Off-topic posts, while not relevant to the original discussion, are lucid and have intelligent thought put into them.  Going off-topic is not all that uncommon.  The subject of discussion transitions into another subject, which transitions into yet another subject, and so on.  Using your 2012 topic as an example, you will see the phases of the conversation:
1) Your intro post.  Not spammy, but racist, so...
2) Discussion continues.  Hooman makes a programming joke.
3) I complain that you were racist and we talk about that for awhile.
4) Eventually, we get back on track until somebody mentions the whole Y2K thing.
5) Hooman explains his earlier joke, and we talking about computers/programming.
6) The conversation moves back to 2012 until I make a Back to the Future refernece.
7) We talk about time travel.  I try to screw with people's minds in a joke.
8) We get back to the original topic... Sorta.  You spam a bit though and talk about nuking stuff.
9) We keep talking about other stuff.  But it transitions from one topic to the next nicely.  For the most part.

Then of course there's off-topic spam...

And due to your new signature every single post you've ever made is spammy.
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Offline Hidiot

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Spam....why Me?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2010, 12:51:27 PM »
If your words are as useful as l + ol * n, then it's spam.
The term spam was made by the internet, for the internet. As such, by the unwritten law of the internet, it means whatever the collective population of the internet wants it to mean. And it pretty much means anything that is not just unrelated to the topic, but completely useless and annoying.

Off-topic is not always spam.

Also, we're a small community, built around a pretty forgotten game. As such, leniency exists. Probably because it's easier to give more chances for redressing to people than on populated forums.

EDIT: Sirbomber's explanation adds more to the point, and he beat me to it.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 12:53:06 PM by Hidiot »
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2010, 04:03:52 PM »
Well, if the people of n0[size=0] [/size]0bscape say so, it must be true!

Oh, wait...

This isn't n0[size=0] [/size]0bscape you n0[size=0] [/size]0b.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 04:04:05 PM by Sirbomber »
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Arklon

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« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2010, 04:04:49 PM »
but other than those rare occasions, i never spam at all, for the majority of my posts.
Rare? Not so much. I would give examples, but those posts tend to get deleted, as they should be.

There's a simple reason why you get accused of spamming by admins and regular users alike. It's because you spam. If you want that to stop, then you just need to not spam. Instead you're attempting to stop it by publicly crying about it, which only makes your case much worse.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 04:12:19 PM by Arklon »

Offline TH300

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Spam....why Me?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2010, 04:13:41 PM »
LOP, it is obvious from your latest posts, that you are still concerned with yourself a lot. You're trying to prove that you're not the bad guy, not making it better, thereby. Many of your posts are actually pointless. Let me pick one: you ask the admins to update some links - would have been easier to just send them a pm, but you posted for everyone to see, even though most of us could do nothing about it. That is spam. You seem to be willing to contribute to the community, but you don't actually contribute, you only ask others to contribute. Thats the thing I currently find most annoying. I'm not willing to think about more.

And well, I don't find off-topic-ness good, but its ok for me if people think before posting and write something that has a value. Though, I can see why you are so upset about the topic that you linked to: you wanted to discuss something in that topic and others changed the topic, thereby hindering discussion about your topic. You should learn to live with that. It has always been that way on opu, and most people seem to be used to it. But: it is only ok, if you use your brain before posting.

Let me add one thing: different places on the internet have different rules. That is, because the people who are there, are different or differently many. But if rules have proven to keep the place working, they can't be that wrong.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 04:23:11 PM by TH300 »

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2010, 04:31:10 PM »
I still don't think this can be the explanation for my 10% warning.
You say you're trying to think hard, but you're not in reality. The explanation for that is more obvious than you think.

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2010, 07:38:12 PM »
Please lock this topic, i was wrong to take advice from others...
And now you're flame-baiting.  Lovely.
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Mez

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« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2010, 09:23:14 AM »
Please lock this topic, i was wrong to take advice from others...
No I will not lock this topic.

The majority of the above posts should serve as useful feedback to you.
Judging from the high quality of the current replies there will likely be more.

Of course this thread no longer makes much sense as you edited the original post, rather than making a new reply requesting a topic lock (Poor forum etiquette).

I can't restore the original, perhaps a site admin can merge LoP's original post with his edit?

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2010, 02:21:47 PM »
There also seem to be some posts of his missing throughout the topic. The flow of the topic suggests that.
"Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"

Offline CK9

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« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2010, 02:36:56 PM »
no dice, once the original post is edited, it's gone.  I accidently did that to one of hooman's posts :(

lop, don't ask a question if you aren't willing to hear the answer
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2010, 03:50:43 PM »
Well said, CK9.

I kinda get the feeling he's not gonna check this thread any more, though...

Wait, why hasn't anybody mentioned the multiple times he's been temp-banned from IRC for spamming?  Throw up some logs if you've got 'em (and feel like it, but like I said it's probably wasted effort at this point).
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Spam....why Me?
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2010, 07:09:42 PM »
Well, to tell you guys the truth, im just letting it be now. I dont want to talk about it anymore, i did once, but it only makes me look worse. I will however place this last message, only to explain my beleifs:

[(to mez)This topic was a mistake, i should not of rushed into this... If you will not delet it, that is ok by me, but when flaming becomes a problem, it's on YOUR head.]

{(To Arklon and Sirbomber) Do you enjoy doing this to me? Are you always so narrow-minded about everything i say/do? Must you always have that urgancy
to see how i react? Quite frankly im tired of your criticisms, your tempers, your insults, your rediculas comments, attitudes, and some of your actions. Your both like talking to a wall.

There are, for a fact, some certain people who are just being rediculas about me.
I know i did nothing wrong from the start of me comming to the forum. If i have to put up with this abuse, so be it, i will take advice from spike. For now on, i will ignor any/all of Arklon and Sirbomber's advice, because they cannot be realistic.]

[(To all admins) But when my warn level rises again, i will make a complaint against it. I right well did not desserve that mark. The majority of my off-topic posts were infact in the wrong sections. However, these topics were aimed to help the community. Now there were a selective few topics that were infact childish. I am sorry for that, it will not happen again. These did not contribute squat to the OPU.]

[(To random critics) I highly doubt anyone, other than those who have actually witnessed us 3 (LOP, Ark, and Sir) can possibly understand the situation between us. There is a problem, but we need to first try to solve it by ourselfs. My comment is that Ark and Sir look at the world in a different perspective.]

[(To CK9) You never, at any point, clearly stated what I did, you only kept repeating that i spammed. I can only assume that it was the missbomber joke, the sexual harrasment to wooman, and perhaps you could identify another spam under that catagory? To me, that alone is not enough to give me a black mark] Give me 5 topics i created that were not intended to help the community that could of insulted people, then i might consider i did somthing wrong. Can you not anwser a simple question? Is it that hard to type? Are you just lazy? THEN TELL ME!!!]

That hopefully ends my argument, i don't wan't to keep debating this meaningless squabble, unless somthing new comes up.....Please forgive me if i offended any of you, these are just my beleifs...I deleted my post because i thought that i should ignore this issue and move on, shouldent we all?[/size]
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline Kayedon

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« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2010, 07:18:33 PM »
"Trust me, I'm crazy."

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2010, 07:24:23 PM »
{(To Arklon and Sirbomber) Do you enjoy doing this to me?
No, actually.  We would like nothing more than to not have to deal with this kind of crap.

Also, your warn level is between you and the admins.  Nobody else can see it for a reason.  Way to self-jown by telling us all.

Also, I wasn't aware of any sexual harassment, but that wouldn't get you a warning.  It's an insta-ban, no questions asked.

[(To random critics) I highly doubt anyone, other than those who have actually witnessed us 3 (LOP, Ark, and Sir) can possibly understand the situation between us.

What situation?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 07:24:45 PM by Sirbomber »
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Arklon

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« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2010, 08:03:37 PM »
[(to mez)This topic was a mistake, i should not of rushed into this... If you will not delet it, that is ok by me, but when flaming becomes a problem, it's on YOUR head.]
No. If you flame or flame-bait, who's guilty of doing it? You. Don't try to throw the blame on others. If you can't accept responsibility for your actions, then I question whether or not you should even be a part of the community...

{(To Arklon and Sirbomber) Do you enjoy doing this to me? Are you always so narrow-minded about everything i say/do? Must you always have that urgancy
to see how i react? Quite frankly im tired of your criticisms, your tempers, your insults, your rediculas comments, attitudes, and some of your actions. Your both like talking to a wall.
Are you so narrow-minded that you think that we're the only ones who have a problem with the things you've done here and the attitude you have about it? And you think the only reason there is a problem with your actions is because, according to you, we point it out to get a reaction from you (which I might add is a false assumption)? I don't think anyone who has posted in this thread has sided with you when you claimed you did not spam and don't deserve the warning increase you got.

[(To all admins) But when my warn level rises again, i will make a complaint against it. I right well did not desserve that mark. The majority of my off-topic posts were infact in the wrong sections. However, these topics were aimed to help the community. Now there were a selective few topics that were infact childish. I am sorry for that, it will not happen again. These did not contribute squat to the OPU.]
When you receive punishment, that's a sign you should change your behavior, not sit there and moan about facing repercussions for your actions!! The reason we do temporary bans instead of permanent ones is so the offender can show that he can change their behavior and be a positive part of the community. That's what should have happened following your IRC bans, no, that's what really should've happened after the first ban. And every single time you quickly go back to your old ways, with the addition of *****ing about your punishments on top of it. You've been given plenty of opportunity to shape up your act, and instead you're showing zero improvement. Prove to me you can be mature and responsible, or I'll have to keep this in mind if and when the next time something comes up. At a lot of other communities, you'd have likely been permanently banned already if you did what you've done here. We've actually been relatively more tolerant. I've given you second, third, fourth, etc. chances with IRC because I believe it's a realistic possibility for a person to change. However, you don't seem to be showing signs of such.

[(To random critics) I highly doubt anyone, other than those who have actually witnessed us 3 (LOP, Ark, and Sir) can possibly understand the situation between us. There is a problem, but we need to first try to solve it by ourselfs. My comment is that Ark and Sir look at the world in a different perspective.]
Again, this doesn't solely concern us three. One's behavior within the community is a community-wide issue.

[(To CK9) You never, at any point, clearly stated what I did, you only kept repeating that i spammed. I can only assume that it was the missbomber joke, the sexual harrasment to wooman, and perhaps you could identify another spam under that catagory? To me, that alone is not enough to give me a black mark] Give me 5 topics i created that were not intended to help the community that could of insulted people, then i might consider i did somthing wrong. Can you not anwser a simple question? Is it that hard to type? Are you just lazy? THEN TELL ME!!!]
You should have the responsibility to own up to your actions! Again, if you're unable to identify what is acceptable behavior and what isn't, then how could you possibly hope to be a contributing member?

That hopefully ends my argument, i don't wan't to keep debating this meaningless squabble, unless somthing new comes up.....Please forgive me if i offended any of you, these are just my beleifs...I deleted my post because i thought that i should ignore this issue and move on, shouldent we all?[/size]
If there's too many loose ends, as there are in this case, that wouldn't do any good.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 08:24:12 PM by Arklon »

Offline CK9

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« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2010, 08:42:50 PM »
[(To CK9) You never, at any point, clearly stated what I did, you only kept repeating that i spammed. I can only assume that it was the missbomber joke, the sexual harrasment to wooman, and perhaps you could identify another spam under that catagory? To me, that alone is not enough to give me a black mark] Give me 5 topics i created that were not intended to help the community that could of insulted people, then i might consider i did somthing wrong. Can you not anwser a simple question? Is it that hard to type? Are you just lazy? THEN TELL ME!!!]
You should have the responsibility to own up to your actions! Again, if you're unable to identify what is acceptable behavior and what isn't, then how could you possibly hope to be a contributing member?
Not only that, but I specifically told you to look at your posts and gave you the link to a thread that outlines some basic posting guidelines so that you might LEARN what was wrong with your posts

and drat, Ark noticed my edit :P
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

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Offline Hidiot

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Spam....why Me?
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2010, 06:42:37 AM »
LoP, do ask yourself how come the rest of us can put up with, or even work with Sirbomber and Arklon? They're not as shallow as you seem to think they are.
They're not models of what a human being should be, but you can trust them to have rational reasons behind their judgments, especially when they're being serious.

Also, we have a live example of someone who's received bashing for being too enthusiastic with some absurd ideas and might have had a bit of a spamming spree (my memory's FAIL),  but is still with us and much improved. That live example is none other than your new mentor, spikerocks101.

Another thing: Believing in something does not make it true.
Except when it comes to altering your body through the use of very strong belief (belief in anything from an nonexistent wound to denying you have a terminal disease), a.k.a. the power of the brain and/or mind. But that's a subject up for debate in another topic, if people feel like talking about it.

Oh, it's true that people should give you detailed explanation of where you went wrong, but only if you are incapable of judging for yourself. So which will it be, incapability of self-analysis, or some time spent thinking? Again, believing in something does not make it true. Just because you think you are right does not mean you actually are.

If you have any doubts, let me tell you this: None of the people present want you to leave more than they want you to stop being spammy and flamey (yes, I am inventing words, but I trust they are clear enough :P)
That does not mean each and every one of your posts needs to be a work of art dripping with contributions. Look around, notice how some of us have a marginally useful post here and there, with little to no public debating around the worth of those posts.

Yet another thing. Try not to think you're the only one who faces something that wants to change you, yet you want to change it to accept your existence as it is. It's just that you need to have some strong backing arguments when trying to actually impose your position.


And now I start wondering why I actually took the time to write all this.
"Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Spam....why Me?
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2010, 09:03:14 AM »
It's true, spike is my mentor in this case. Why, probably because he approached me in the correct matter.

I just fear that if i keep posting my beleifs and argument...everyone will hate me for it :(. is this true? or may i replace what i removed? i have it saved on a text doc.

The internet, according to hidiot, determines the definition of spam, which is why i used runescape as a referense, cuzz that is more of an internet  community than opu could ever be. Now don't get me wrong, i love this community, i just think it's time to forget the past and move on....

According to hidiot, if a large internet population belevies one way in spam, it must be true, runescape is large and does not beleive what sirbomber says about grammar determining spam. Grammar has nothing to do with spam, that is fact.

incapability of self-analysis: this is one of my social errors, and is why i need sombody to explain, rather than give me sources for somthing to read. It's also because i have problems remembering things, at times.

Again, i have been through countless games, never have i heard that bad grammar is spamming. Sure i may mispell or miss a quotation, but is that really spamming? no.. And everysingle one of my posts are not as usefull as "I +0*"

I just think by avoiding this subject, i wont get into any trouble, theres alway that risk. Did i mention im autistic? That may hopefully widen your minds a bit.

Now if it is getting to the point where this thread could perhap contribute to the banning of me, please tell me so i may stop. Again, i lack selfawareness.....

Arklon says it's obvious what i did to get marks, i have to say it is not for me.
CK9 only gave me a link to the rules, which did not anser how i broke the rules i was looking at, instead, it told me what rule i broke, but not how.
They are saying i spammed, and thats it, showing me the rules only shows that i spammed. I know i spammed, i get it, now please tell me how i spammed, what topics did i create, what posts did i make?
Now please, is it really all that dificult to post the anwser of specificaly how i spammed? i am willing to listen, if you are willing to talk without excuses.
Again i have an incapability of self-analysis, so don't rely on my self-analysis to anser my question like befor. Thank you.
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline CK9

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« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2010, 09:31:52 AM »
Okay, now the newer people really are starting to creep me out.  So many posts just like how I would have posted back on kiler's forums...

Anyway, replace it.  This is the debate forum, we get vicious in here, but don't let it get in the way.  Heck, look at the one I did on religion!  A good many people here have faith in a higher power, but they still love me (like a family-ish love) despite that one.

But as I said, I wanted you to take a look through your posts yourself.  If you find the ones that are being considered spam yourself, you are more likely to correct your behavior.

As to using spam in runescape as a basis, that doesn't work because that's a instant reply case versus a structured reply case.  In runescape, the text is just there.  It has no groupings and therefore the spam definitions need to be a specific way.  In a forum, the topics are grouped together and so the spam definition goes a different direction.  Using one definition for the other situations is like hoping a bandaid will fix a ruptured spleen.
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2010, 01:16:30 PM »
In my definition of spam, I did not consider what large populations of numskulls that inhabit the internet think (Not counting you, since you look more confused). It was a mistake not to specify that, so thanks for pointing it out.

Do consider that I am bad at explaining things, so a lot of deciphering might be needed to understand the points I try to make.  Assuming I didn't forget to focus on a point in the first place (guilty as charged).

Communities like ours might be a tad more sensitive when it comes to any form of stupidity (genetic or otherwise). I know for sure that I am, including a lot of times when I'm the one being stupid.

Even if you suffer from whatever kind of mental abnormalities, that's not a good excuse. Progress in any positive direction has a long road with slow improvements. But if you don't set your mind on improving, nothing will ever improve bar some form of really good luck. Needless to mention luck is NOT something to be relied upon.

Lastly, here's a light example of what you could have done better: Considering the number of mentions of rupture in the flow of the topic caused by your edited/deleted posts, you could have realized on your own that we all would appreciate having the original material back.

The voice inside my head that keeps trying to convince me to shut up is becoming loud...
"Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Spam....why Me?
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2010, 01:59:14 PM »
[{To CK9} Im talking about runescape's forums, not in game. They are much more player-freindly and that is why i respect them. Saying that the runescape forum has nothing to do with this forum is just absurd. They are both forums, the runescape forum is how a forum should be ran, in my opinion.]

[{To Arklon} You are, in fact, only assuming what others can do, but in reality you can't always comprhend what others are capable of. Me, i need solid proof on what i did, im not saying i diden't do anything, im just curious if the admin's actions were unjust.]

(out side judgement) everyone in this topic, including me, with the exception of TH300 have shown some sort of flaw in their thinking. It is different with all of us.

[{To Hidiot} To say that the general Runescape community is full of idiots is incorrect. They could just as easily referr to us as the same, that we are the idiots of the internet. The fact is, the majority rules, no matter what qualities of the quantities, they always rule, that is how society works today in its most prosperous times. Look at the USA for exsample is the single largest importer/exporter nation of the world for over a decade. How they we do it? Our government puts the people first, unlike the dictatorship in the dark ages.]

[{To sirbomber} Quotes:
"Off-topic posts are not spam."
"Well, if the people of n0 0bscape say so, it must be true!
Oh, wait...
This isn't n0 0bscape you n0 0b. "

The quotes here are infact extreamly shallow. Though you may say 'this is the typical sirbomber' this is also the typical nutcase who can't be curdious of other's feelings. He is rude, ehtusiastic, and a complete jerk. Again you just say 'typical sirbomber' but that does not make it right, now does it? Hes making fun of runescape, that is fact, and makes him childish, more so than me. However, i have gone that low befor, when i called him 'missbomber' that is about as low as i got, sirbomber does it more than me. Now i would like to ask him to please stop being rude and anoying, by making fun of games i like, how would you like it if i called your game n00b_rush, or noobpost2, or sirnoobsalot? JUST STOP IT!

Are you in your twenties or are you a ten year old? ACT YOUR AGE! and also drop the noobofpain hurts.

other quotes:
"Anyone not living under a rock has heard of that piece of garbage."

Calling a loved game garbage could insult someone. =rude and insenstive towards other's feelings.

again please stop doing this sirbomber, your really irritating me.
(If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all.) Golden rule :) ]
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 02:22:35 PM by Lord Of Pain »
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

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« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2010, 02:54:32 PM »
I was referring to the internet as a whole, but believe it or not, I played runescape a bit, a very long while ago. Then, it was full of douche bags. The direction I remember it heading served only to sustain their douche bag population. So, I have reason enough to suspect they haven't improved much. Oh, and the nicer population I've encountered wasn't very promising.

Trust me, I know when a game wants to make me dumber.

The majority gets turned on its head when it finds itself aware that it's lacking. There's a reason why interesting complex developments only happen when influential leaders are on the scene, or when major breakthroughs are made (mostly scientific breakthroughs). Take away the minority that keeps the world moving forward, be them scientists or leaders, and the world will begin to decay, lacking any new propulsion.

Yes, why don't we take a look at the USA? For a country started on rebellion and British prisoners, it's doing quite well for itself. At least it's projecting a promising picture to both its population and the rest of the world, using those good elements they have. It's home to a good number of quality minds, thanks to its policies on freedom, along with the availability of funds for academic purposes.
But it's also home to people that make me shudder. Idiots the likes I rarely see around here. We have our douches, but a considerable amount of them also have some intelligence and skill, making them more potent douches. It also houses catholic extremists that could be as bad as, or worse than Muslim extremists, had the christian code not been so hard to turn into a pretext for violence. It houses leaders that openly lie to their own people, with a straight face, no less. It houses people who think America is a God-given land (which the Spanish and later British almost wiped clean for their conquest or colonization goals. God (or any other benevolent divine entity/entities) must have been so proud of them). And the list can go on.
I can't say I know much about the states, looking at them from across the ocean, with only little inside information.
Also, whilst dictatorship has always been used in malevolent purposes, it is a far more effective method of governing large populations.
Might be a good idea to not mix dictatorship with monarchism. Especially since all they had in the dark ages were monarchies.

Uh, these are the most prosperous times? To me, it looks like the world is in economical agony, because some get-rich-quick thinkers in the states popped an economic bubble, triggering yet another economical depression. The other famous one also came from the states. Coincidence? No, more like a great big lack of restraint where restraint was needed.
Lack of restraint, the other edge to freedom vs. oppression.

And here I am, a person who would attend one of America's better universities. Too bad the tuition in some places is almost equal to my family's income.

To sum up the main point I had in mind: Extrapolating from "Just because you think/believe it's right, it doesn't make it right", we can get to "Just because the majority thinks it's right, it doesn't make it right".
The above point can come from the following consideration: Right and wrong, good and bad are abstracts. They can only be discussed using principles, other abstracts and the like. These are largely independent to the people using them, or their numbers.

Might need to repeat this in the name of most of us: It's not just the admins who think that punishment was just. Maybe not just to the letter, but the application of punishment itself is quite just. You can start improving by thinking up of a better signature. It really is bad, too large and too colorful. Not to mention potentially annoying to some parties, should they choose to be annoyed by it.

Lastly, I hope the amount of thought you put into understanding what everyone is trying to say is not conditioned by how well their speech looks. A definite plus, but not sufficient.

EDIT of more post-length! (In response to your edit)
It's clear that you aren't taking the time to read some essential points put forth, or that you aren't understanding them.

Again let me present you with with the question: Why is Sirbomber not calling everyone names? Agreed that he is quite loose with them, but the point remains that either side can adapt to the other. In this case, I'm begging you to make some small changes in the way you act/talk. Hey, maybe when you've gained some skills, or simply a length of time as a member in good standing, you will gain the kind of respect most of us share with each other around here, the kind of respect that keeps Sirbomber from calling everyone names in any context (cases of just-for-fun, should they ever exist, excluded).

More noticing of info and more post length of DOOM!
spam is not fully painted black. A tiny touch of it can also serve to bring an air of lightheartedness. If people around here were very stiff, I doubt the community would have survived to this day. There are those of us who are stiff, but you can choose to live with it, taking the useful info out of nudges and hammers.

Lighten up, take it in, get back on track, and then you'll be beating yourself about this whole story in later years. Trust me, it's another one of the things I know  ;)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 03:07:38 PM by Hidiot »
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« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2010, 02:59:10 PM »
"Waaah!  Waah!  Sirbomber made fun of a game I like!"

How about you grow a pair and get over it?  I don't have to like everything you do, and vice-versa.  Or are you saying your opinion is worth more than mine?

Is this the Runescape Forum?  No.  It's the Outpost Universe Forum.  You follow OPU's rules when you're here.  Nobody here gives a crap how you or anyone else thinks a forum "should be run".  The admins set the rules and you follow them.  End of story.  My patience with you is already at the breaking point LoP.  If I hear one more thing about Runescape, things are gonna get ugly around here.

And in case you hadn't noticed, I really don't care if people make fun of me.  In case you didn't notice, Hidiot said I "wasn't a model human being".  Don't see me crying about it.  For Gods sakes, I'm calling you a n0[size=0] [/size]0b.  It's not even a real word...
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Spam....why Me?
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2010, 03:24:01 PM »
Did LoP kill someone or did he earn himself a warning due to spamming ? Reading this topic I would lean towards the former..

In any case I gotta agree with LoP about the friendliness of this place. As I've stated before (And situation has improved somewhat) this place ain't too new person friendly and tensions seems to rise quite quickly.

Quite a few people seem to think they have been appointed "Morale-Police" of this forum and that they need to read every topic/post posted and comment on it after wards. Often the commentaries can be quite negative if not mildly insulting as well. Personally I don't see why people feel the need to act this way, if you don't like what is in a topic, you can chose NOT to read it. If you feel a post is against the forum rules, you can always push the Report button and let a Moderator deal with it. It's after all why we have them. (Instead of having a mass of subjective opinions deal with problems) And if you really must post, constructive criticism is really the way to go.

CK9, as for your dealings with LoP I don't think it's the right way to do it. If someone breaks a certain rule, there should be consequences of course, but those consequences must also come with an explanation of what the person did wrong and how if goes against the rule(s). Dealing punishment without explaining the cause will not change the behavior if the subject doesn't know what behavior caused the punishment in the first place. (LoP has even asked to be shown his errors)
(I guess a comparison could be you traveling to another country and get fined/arrested for "breaking the law". This statement might not necessarily help you avoid getting fined/arrested in the future will it?)

Of course one can debate the previous example and whether or not some rules should be self-explanatory, but my points should come across.
At the end of the day, they world we perceive is highly subjective and becoming angry because someone else doesn't see the same world isn't really the way to solve a disagreement.
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