Before I begin, this is in no way related to the infamous Plymouth Cold War colony game...
The year is 2189 AD and New Terra stands on the verge of crisis. Peace talks have collapsed and the major powers are mobilizing for war. Combat units pour out of the Vehicle Factories and space programs have been scrapped, their resources reallocated to mass-producing EMP Missiles. Rumors of a "war to end all wars" and the "total destruction of the enemy" jump from colonist to colonist like a disease. In public, leaders promise peace, all the while knowing that this can only end in the destruction of the enemy. There can be no other alternative.
Meanwhile, the Eden colonies are gripped by fear. They have tried to stay out of this conflict for years, but now it seems they must choose sides or be destroyed in the crossfire. Although technologically backwards, their abundant ore supplies and missile defense systems may prove valuable enough to form an alliance with a stronger colony. It is their only hope for survival.
The coming war will change everything. You may lead your colony to greatness... or to ruin.
Anyways, this takes place on Axen's Home. It's a 6P LoS (though currently only players 1, 2, and 3 have bases for this test) where you start off with a well-developed colony and an army build by Dynamix (enjoy your Stickyfoam Panthers).
There are 3 teams, though team 3 is a special case.
Team 1 (First World, forced Plymouth):
Player 1 (United States and Canada)
Player 4 (Australia and Western Europe)
Team 2 (Second World, forced Plymouth):
Player 2 (Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China)
Player 5 (South America)
Team 3* (Third World, forced Eden):
Player 3 (Africa)
Player 6 (Pacific Isles)
* - The Third World starts as a team, but their goal is to form alliances with one of the other two teams, after which they'll probably break their alliance with the other Third World Player (unless they both ally with the same team).
The first two teams are the "major powers" of the world. They're technologically advanced and have a lot of military power. They also start with half a dozen EMP Missiles each. While you may be thinking this sounds great, having all those Missiles, keep in mind your enemies have just as many as you do... If you launch 1, they're likely to retaliate. Your ultimate goal is to crush all your enemies through any means necessary.
However, this is where the Third World becomes important. The First and Second World lack two things: good ore and a way to destroy incoming EMP Missiles. The Third World can provide them with both of these things. Therefore it is important that you get an ally from the Third World as quickly as possible. It is not recommended you try to kill them and steal their ore.
Oh, and Third World players... You're Eden, meaning you will eventually get Thor's Hammer. But don't think you can conquer the world. Meteor Defenses aren't perfect, and the other players WILL own you with missile spam (which you CANNOT complain about in this mission).
-Finish the other 3 bases. Mcshay told me he'd do this, but I highly doubt he'll get around to it.
-Add disasters.
-Fix any problems/balancing issues that may come up unexpectedly.
-Find out why your Rare Ore Mines aren't marked as surveyed if they start with a mine on top and fix it (or at the very least find a work-around).

Part of Player 1's base. That's Spaceport #1-06 if you can't read it.

Part of Player 2's base. Those EMP Missiles are already built when the game starts.

Part of Player 3's base. Note the useful Meteor Defense.
EDIT (leeor_net): Fixing broken link.