Author Topic: Ordering Of The Tiles In An Outpost2 .map File  (Read 8426 times)

Offline dazjorz

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Ordering Of The Tiles In An Outpost2 .map File
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2009, 12:11:16 PM »
I'll try to get it done once again. However, I did notice the width of an image was, for example, 80 pixels, and its scanLineByteWidth was also 80, ie 1 byte per pixel for every scanline. Is the scanLineByteWidth actually incorrect for these images, ie should it actually be ceil(width/8), or is there a lot of useless data after the real useful bytes?

Edit: I can't figure out the answer to my own question, at least. Every time I get something *close* to what I want to see, but never really the real deal. This is currently, in unoptimized code, what I do:

Code: [Select]
bmpFile_->seek( 0x436 + images[ imageId ].dataPtr );
int numBits = 0;
char byte;

for( int y = 0; y < images[ imageId ].height; ++y )
  for( int x = 0; x < images[ imageId ].width; ++x )
    if( numBits == 0 )
      if( bmpFile_->read( &byte, 1 ) != 1 )
        qWarning() << "Failed to read image data: " << bmpFile_->errorString();
        SDL_FreeSurface( surface );
        return 0;
      numBits = 8;

    bool shadowSet = byte & 0x80;
    byte <<= 1;

    // if this pixel has shadow set...
    if( shadowSet )

Ie, I just completely ignore image scanline and just read the bytes I need. I have also tried reading the bytes for one scanline, and start with a fresh byte the next vertical line; and I've also tried just reading scanLineByteWidth bytes and using these, and assuming the rest of the bytes are useless. This is what I currently see. The shadows just seem to appear at the right places for the buildings, but in a weird pattern that just indicates I read too few or too many bytes. Whatever I try, the image constantly looks something like that... Any ideas?

Edit: We talked about it on IRC; I just won't support shadows atm, oh well. Next up: Try to clone some interface stuff, and add support for selecting units and showing data on them in the menu...
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 08:26:02 PM by dazjorz »

Offline dazjorz

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Ordering Of The Tiles In An Outpost2 .map File
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2009, 03:38:39 PM »
BTW, this project is on hold for a while, I've got a lot of other stuff to do. Until I'm done, everybody can simply check the code at Feel free to make changes and send in patches, I'll give you commit access or whatever you need, but I won't be working on it myself for a while. :)